• Bone Marrow Transplantation with Favorable Outcome in Three Patients with LPS-Responsive Beige-like Anchor (LRBA) Deficiency 

      Okur, F Visal; Kuskonmaz, Barış; Cağdas, Deniz; Tezcan, İlhan; Uckan Cetinkaya, Duygu (Elsevier, 2019)
    • Bone Metastasis From Gastric Cancer: The Incidence, Clinicopathological Features, and Influence on Survival 

      Turkoz, Fatma Paksoy; Solak, Mustafa; Kilickap, Saadettin; Ulas, Arife; Esbah, Onur; Oksuzoglu, Berna; Yalcin, Suayib (2014)
    • Bone Mineral Density in Adolescent Girls with Hypogonadotropic and Hypergonadotropic Hypogonadism 

      Özbek, Mehmet Nuri; Demirbilek, Hüseyin; Baran, Rıza Taner; Baran, Ahmet (2016)
      Objective: Deficiency of sex steroids has a negative impact on bone mineral content. In studies conducted on postmenopausal women and animal studies, elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were found to be ...
    • Bone Mineral Density in Haemodialysis Patients: A Comparative Study of Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Quantitative Ultrasound 

      Arici, M; Erturk, H; Altun, B; Usalan, C; Ulusoy, S; Erdem, Y; Sivri, A; Yasavul, U; Turgan, C; Caglar, S (Oxford Univ Press, 2000)
      Background. Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) of bone is a relatively new technique that appears to assess 'bone quality' in addition to bone mineral density. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic potential ...
    • Both Granulocytic and Non-Granulocytic Blood Cells Are Affected in Patients with Severe Congenital Neutropenia And Their Non-Neutropenic Family Members: An Evaluation of Morphology, Function, and Cell Death 

      Olcay, Lale; Ünal, Şule; Onay, Hüseyin; Erdemli, Esra; Öztürk, Ayşenur; Billur, Deniz; Metin, Ayşe; Okur, Hamza; Yıldırmak, Yıldız; Büyükaşık, Yahya; İkincioğulları, Aydan; Falay, Mesude; Özet, Gülsüm; Yetgin, Sevgi (2018)
      Objective: To examine granulocytic and non-granulocytic cells in children with severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) and their non-neutropenic parents. Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients with SCN and 21 non-neutropenic ...
    • Brain Death And Organ Donation In Paediatric Intensive Care Unit 

      Özmert, Sengül; Sever, Feyza; Ayar, Ganime; Yazıcı, Mutlu Uysal; Öztaş, Dilek Kahraman (2019)
      Objective The purpose of the present study was to retrospectively analyse the brain death (BD) cases that were specified within the last 8 years in the paediatric intensive care unit of our hospital. Methods Archive files ...
    • Brain Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case Report And Review of the Literature 

      Tunc, Bilge; Filik, Levent; Tezer-Filik, Irsel; Sahin, Burhan (Baishideng Publ Grp Co Ltd, 2004)
    • Brain Mri Findings In Pediatric-Onset Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder: Challenges In Differentiation From Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis 

      Bulut, E.; Karakaya, J.; Salama, S.; Levy, M.; Huisman, T.A.G.M.; Izbudak, I. (2019)
      BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Differentiating pediatric-onset neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder from acute disseminated encephalomyelitis could be challenging, especially in cases presenting with only brain manifestations. ...
    • Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Associated With Platelet Activation 

      Beyazyildiz, Emrullah; Citirik, Mehmet; Simsek, Mert; Beyazyildiz, Ozlem; Haznedaroglu, Ibrahim C. (2019)
      Background/aim: The aim of this study is to study subclinical platelet activation by detecting three important platelet activation parameters of mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), and plateletcrit ...
    • Breast Cancer Subtypes and Outcomes of Central Nervous System Metastases 

      Arslan, U.Y; Oksuzoglu, B; Aksoy, S; Harputluoglu, H; Turker, I; Ozisik, Y; Dizdar, O; Altundag, K; Alkis, N; Zengin, N. (2011)
    • Breastfeeding Practices and Policies in Who European Region Member States 

      Bagci Bosi, Ayse Tulay; Eriksen, Kamilla Gehrt; Sobko, Tanja; Wijnhoven, Trudy MA; Breda, João (2016)
      Objective To provide an update on current practices and policy development status concerning breastfeeding in the WHO European Region. Design National surveys and studies conducted by national health institutions were ...
    • Breathlessness in a Patient with Rheumatoid Vasculitis 

      Bascil, N; Tutuncu, T; Kisacik, G; Sivri, A; Coplu, L (British Med Journal Publ Group, 1998)
    • Brentuximab Vedotin For Relapsed or Refractory Hodgkin Lymphoma: Experience in Turkey 

      Salihoglu, A.; Elverdi, T.; Karadogan, I.; Paydas, S.; Ozdemir, E.; Erdem, G.; Karadurmus, N.; Akyol, G.; Kaynar, L.; Yegin, ZA; Sucak, G.; Ozkocaman, V.; Topcuoglu, P.; Ozcan, M.; Birtas, E.; Goker, H.; Baslar, Z.; Ferhanoglu, B. (2015)
      Current treatment modalities can cure up to 70–80 % of patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Approximately, 20–30 % of patients require further treatment options. Brentuximab vedotin has been approved for the treatment ...
    • Bright and Dark Vessels on Stroke Imaging: Different Sides of The Same Coin? 

      Vural, Atay; Gocmen, Rahsan; Oguz, Kader Karli; Topcuoglu, Mehmet Akif; Arsava, Ethem Murat (Aves, 2016)
      PURPOSE Prominent hypointense cerebral vessels on susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) and the hyperintense vessel sign (HVS) on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging are considered as markers of compromised ...
    • Broad Igg Repertoire In Patients With Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps Regulates Proinflammatory Ige Responses 

      Shamji, Mohamed H.; Thomsen, Irene; Layhadi, Janice A.; Kappen, Jasper; Holtappels, Gabriele; Sahiner, Umit; Switzer, Amy; Durham, Stephen R.; Pabst, Oliver; Bachert, Claus (2019)
      Background: Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) is often characterized by local production of polyclonal IgE idiotypes. Although tissue IgE concentrations can be in the range of several thousand kilounits per ...
    • Bronchiectasis: The Consequence of Late Diagnosis in Chronic Respiratory Symptoms 

      Doǧru, D; Nik-Ain, A; Kiper, N; Göçmen, A; Özçelik, U; Yalçin, E; Aslan, A.T. (2005)
    • Brugada Syndrome and Calcium Channel Mutation in a Patient with Congenital Deaf Mutism 

      Canpolat, Uğur; Coteli, Cem; Aytemir, Kudret (2017)
      To the best of our knowledge, for the first time in the literature, we described a congenitally deaf-mute patient with Brugada syndrome (BrS) in whom a mutation in L-type Ca+2 channel [CACNA1C (Cav1.2α1)] was identified.
    • Brugada Syndrome with Aborted Sudden Cardiac Death Related to Liquorice-Induced Hypokalemia 

      Yorgun, Hikmet; Aksoy, Hakan; Sendur, Mehmet Ali; Ates, Ahmet Hakan; Kaya, Ergun Baris; Aytemir, Kudret; Oto, Ali (Karger, 2010)
      Objective: It was the aim of this study to report an aborted cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation and electrocardiographic changes consistent with Brugada syndrome due to liquorice-induced hypokalemia. Clinical ...
    • Budd-Chiari Syndrome: Etiology, Pathogenesis and Diagnosis 

      Aydinli, Musa; Bayraktar, Yusuf (W J G Press, 2007)
      Budd-Chiari syndrome is a congestive hepatopathy caused by blockage of hepatic veins. This syndrome occurs in 1/100000 in the general population. Hypercoagulable state could be identified in 75% of the patients; more than ...
    • Burden Of Injury Along The Development Spectrum: Associations Between The Socio-Demographic Index And Disability-Adjusted Life Year Estimates From The Global Burden Of Disease Study 2017 

      Haagsma, J.A.; James, S.L.; Castle, C.D.; Dingels, Z.V.; Fox, J.T.; Hamilton, E.B.; Liu, Z.; Lucchesi, L.R.; Roberts, N.L.S.; Sylte, D.O.; Adebayo, O.M.; Ahmadi, A.; Ahmed, M.B.; Aichour, M.T.E.; Alahdab, F.; Alghnam, S.A.; Aljunid, S.M.; Al-Raddadi, R.M.; Alsharif, U.; Altirkawi, K.; Anjomshoa, M.; Antonio, C.A.T.; Appiah, S.C.Y.; Aremu, O.; Arora, A.; Asayesh, H.; Assadi, R.; Awasthi, A.; Ayala Quintanilla, B.P.; Balalla, S.; Banstola, A.; Barker-Collo, S.L.; Bärnighausen, T.W.; Bazargan-Hejazi, S.; Bedi, N.; Behzadifar, M.; Behzadifar, M.; Benjet, C.; Bennett, D.A.; Bensenor, I.M.; Bhaumik, S.; Bhutta, Z.A.; Bijani, A.; Borges, G.; Borschmann, R.; Bose, D.; Boufous, S.; Brazinova, A.; Campuzano Rincon, J.C.; Cárdenas, R.; Carrero, J.J.; Carvalho, F.; Castañeda-Orjuela, C.A.; Catalá-López, F.; Choi, J.-Y.J.; Christopher, D.J.; Crowe, C.S.; Dalal, K.; Daryani, A.; Davitoiu, D.V.; Degenhardt, L.; De Leo, D.; De Neve, J.-W.; Deribe, K.; Dessie, G.A.; Deveber, G.A.; Dharmaratne, S.D.; Doan, L.P.; Dolan, K.A.; Driscoll, T.R.; Dubey, M.; El-Khatib, Z.; Ellingsen, C.L.; El Sayed Zaki, M.; Endries, A.Y.; Eskandarieh, S.; Faro, A.; Fereshtehnejad, S.-M.; Fernandes, E.; Filip, I.; Fischer, F.; Franklin, R.C.; Fukumoto, T.; Gezae, K.E.; Gill, T.K.; Goulart, A.C.; Grada, A.; Guo, Y.; Gupta, R.; Haghparast Bidgoli, H.; Haj-Mirzaian, A.; Haj-Mirzaian, A.; Hamadeh, R.R.; Hamidi, S.; Haro, J.M.; Hassankhani, H.; Hassen, H.Y.; Havmoeller, R.; Hendrie, D.; Henok, A.; Híjar, M.; Hole, M.K.; Homaie Rad, E.; Hossain, N.; Hostiuc, S.; Hu, G.; Igumbor, E.U.; Ilesanmi, O.S.; Irvani, S.S.N.; Islam, S.M.S.; Ivers, R.Q.; Jacobsen, K.H.; Jahanmehr, N.; Jakovljevic, M.; Jayatilleke, A.U.; Jha, R.P.; Jonas, J.B.; Jorjoran Shushtari, Z.; Jozwiak, J.J.; Jürisson, M.; Kabir, A.; Kalani, R.; Kasaeian, A.; Kelbore, A.G.; Kengne, A.P.; Khader, Y.S.; Khafaie, M.A.; Khalid, N.; Khan, E.A.; Khoja, A.T.; Kiadaliri, A.A.; Kim, Y.-E.; Kim, D.; Kisa, A.; Koyanagi, A.; Kuate Defo, B.; Kucuk Bicer, B.; Kumar, M.; Lalloo, R.; Lam, H.; Lami, F.H.; Lansingh, V.C.; Leasher, J.L.; Li, S.; Linn, S.; Lunevicius, R.; MacHado, F.R.; Magdy Abd El Razek, H.; Magdy Abd El Razek, M.; Mahotra, N.B.; Majdan, M.; Majeed, A.; Malekzadeh, R.; Malik, M.A.; Malta, D.C.; Manda, A.-L.; Mansournia, M.A.; Massenburg, B.B.; Maulik, P.K.; Meheretu, H.A.A.; Mehndiratta, M.M.; Melese, A.; Mendoza, W.; Mengesha, M.M.; Meretoja, T.J.; Meretoja, A.; Mestrovic, T.; Miazgowski, T.; Miller, T.R.; Mini, G.K.; Mirrakhimov, E.M.; Moazen, B.; Mohammad Gholi Mezerji, N.; Mohammadibakhsh, R.; Mohammed, S.; Molokhia, M.; Monasta, L.; Mondello, S.; Montero-Zamora, P.A.; Moodley, Y.; Moosazadeh, M.; Moradi, G.; Moradi-Lakeh, M.; Morawska, L.; Velásquez, I.M.; Morrison, S.D.; Moschos, M.M.; Mousavi, S.M.; Murthy, S.; Musa, K.I.; Naik, G.; Najafi, F.; Nangia, V.; Nascimento, B.R.; Ndwandwe, D.E.; Negoi, I.; Nguyen, T.H.; Nguyen, S.H.; Nguyen, L.H.; Nguyen, H.L.T.; Ningrum, D.N.A.; Nirayo, Y.L.; Ofori-Asenso, R.; Ogbo, F.A.; Oh, I.-H.; Oladimeji, O.; Olagunju, A.T.; Olagunju, T.O.; Olivares, P.R.; Orpana, H.M.; Otstavnov, S.S.; Mahesh, P.A.; Pakhale, S.; Park, E.-K.; Patton, G.C.; Pesudovs, K.; Phillips, M.R.; Polinder, S.; Prakash, S.; Radfar, A.; Rafay, A.; Rafiei, A.; Rahimi, S.; Rahimi-Movaghar, V.; Rahman, M.A.; Rai, R.K.; Ramezanzadeh, K.; Rawaf, S.; Rawaf, D.L.; Renzaho, A.M.N.; Resnikoff, S.; Rezaeian, S.; Roever, L.; Ronfani, L.; Roshandel, G.; Sabde, Y.D.; Saddik, B.; Salamati, P.; Salimi, Y.; Salz, I.; Samy, A.M.; Sanabria, J.; Sanchez Riera, L.; Santric Milicevic, M.M.; Satpathy, M.; Sawhney, M.; Sawyer, S.M.; Saxena, S.; Saylan, M.; Schneider, I.J.C.; Schwebel, D.C.; Seedat, S.; Sepanlou, S.G.; Shaikh, M.A.; Shams-Beyranvand, M.; Shamsizadeh, M.; Sharif-Alhoseini, M.; Sheikh, A.; Shen, J.; Shigematsu, M.; Shiri, R.; Shiue, I.; Silva, J.P.; Singh, J.A.; Sinha, D.N.; Soares Filho, A.M.; Soriano, J.B.; Soshnikov, S.; Soyiri, I.N.; Starodubov, V.I.; Stein, D.J.; Stokes, M.A.; Sufiyan, M.B.; Sunshine, J.E.; Sykes, B.L.; Tabarés-Seisdedos, R.; Tabb, K.M.; Tehrani-Banihashemi, A.; Tessema, G.A.; Thakur, J.S.; Tran, K.B.; Tran, B.X.; Tudor Car, L.; Uthman, O.A.; Uzochukwu, B.S.C.; Valdez, P.R.; Varavikova, E.; Vasconcelos, A.M.N.; Venketasubramanian, N.; Violante, F.S.; Vlassov, V.; Waheed, Y.; Wang, Y.-P.; Wijeratne, T.; Winkler, A.S.; Yadav, P.; Yano, Y.; Yenesew, M.A.; Yip, P.; Yisma, E.; Yonemoto, N.; Younis, M.Z.; Yu, C.; Zafar, S.; Zaidi, Z.; Zaman, S.B.; Zamani, M.; Zhao, Y.; Zodpey, S.; Hay, S.I.; Lopez, A.D.; Mokdad, A.H.; Vos, T. (2019)
      Background: The epidemiological transition of non-communicable diseases replacing infectious diseases as the main contributors to disease burden has been well documented in global health literature. Less focus, however, ...