Enerji Verimli Araç Kullanımının Geri Sekme Etkisinin (Rebound Effect) Gelir Gruplarına Göre Karşılaştırılması
As part of this thesis, the rebound effect for the case of adoption of a new energy-efficient vehicle was calculated and results for two income groups were compared. The main problem for developing countries is the lack of a consistent and comprehensive database for a good estimation of the rebound effect as vehicle ownership and vehicle-km data are missing. To obtain a good estimate, the rebound calcuation was based on detailed characterization of households via a survey that was applied to the households from different cities to collect information about their income level and personel vehicle ownership.
According to the results of the study, for the fourth and fifth quantile income groups the direct rebound effect is % 12 . The indirect rebound effect is % 18 for the fourth quantile and % 32 for the fifth quantile income group.The indirect rebound effect is more than the direct rebound effect for both groups. The existence of indirect rebound effect shows that the income effect of energy efficiency results in consumption of other goods and services with greater energy intensity. As the ratio of the cost of capital (q) and the savings from replacing existing vehicle to energy efficient model approaches to 1, the total rebound effect decreases.In this context, for the case that households will replace their existing vehicles with models that relatively have lower fuel consumption than the existing vehicle, a rebound effect is observed which should be taken into account in energy efficiency policies and roadmaps.