Türkiye’deki Bir Grup Çocuk Diş Hekiminin Sedasyon Uygulamasına İlişkin Görüş ve Yaklaşımları
Yıldız, A. Options, Approaches and Practices Related to Sedation a Group of Pediatric Denstist in Turkey. Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Specialty Thesis in Pediatric Dentistry, Ankara, 2018. Dental phobia is a normal emotional response to the threatening stimuli that arise during dental treatment. In dental practice, the patient's fear and anxiety makes treatment difficult, sometimes even impossible. Treatment can not be carried out if fear and anxiety are not eliminated by appropriate methods, especially in children. By using basic behavior management techniques, communication between patient and dentist should be strengthened to reduce the anxiety and fear of the patient and to provide quality dental services. When anxiety and fear can not be overcome with basic behavior management techniques, more advanced techniques such as protective stabilization, sedation and general anesthesia are needed. There is current literature in the United States and Europe on pediatric dentists' behavioral management technique and sedation practices. However, in our country, the behavioral management techniques and sedation practices in pediatric dentistry have not yet been investigated. This study was conducted in order to obtain information about the behavioral management techniques and sedation related trainings, opinions and applications of the pediatric dentists in our country. The questionnaire form prepared to obtain the data was sent to the pediatric dentists via e-mail. The results were assessed by taking into account some of the participants socio-demographic characteristics, their training and practice with regard to behavior management techniques. While the number of participants receiving practical training related to basic behavior management techniques and general anesthesia was high, the number of participants receiving practical training related to sedation is low. The vast majority of participants have practise pharmacological techniques in the treatment of their patients (72.3%) and the most common pharmacological technique is general anesthesia (61.2%). The number of participants who prefer sedation in the treatment of patients is low. Among participants who apply pharmacological techniques; 14.8% practise nitrous oxide / oxygen (N2O/O2) inhalation, 12.7% practice minimal sedation except N2O/O2 inhalation, 17.0% practice moderate sedation and 28.0% practice deep sedation. 95.0% of the participants during moderate sedation practice, all of the participants during deep sedation practice have anesthesiologist in the team. Factors that have the greatest effect on the selection of pharmacological technique of the participants are; the equipment they need, the training they receive and the systemic condition of the patient.