In this thesis, titled " Visual Analysis on the Concept of Mass" the masses, unlike the views in the nature, have been dealt with the accumulation of mechanical and artificial objects created by human hands, as well as the crowd of intensive cities and their use in the historical process has been mentioned. In the first part of this work which consists of three chapters; the linguistic definition of the mass concept, its sociological and artistic dimensions and it has been mentioned upon the periods in which art has begun to take part in the historical process, along with the new meaning it has gained after industrial, technological developments. The Industrial Revolution, which is the most important of the developments that took place in the 19th century, transformed human habits while changing production-consumption relations, and art that could not stay away from these changes led to the emergence of mass production objects and changes in consumption society that we have witnessed in the 20th century. In the second chapter, the meaning of the concept of mass as a form and the ways in which the artists use the concept of mass forms of art have been studied with historical references. In the last chapter of personal works, the masses we can not ignore, both as an artist and as a consumer we observe has been examined. Mostly, visual applications have been carried out by way of the situations encountered in everyday life and the accumulation of heaps, mostly human production objects, cumulative, repetitive and stacked together. In the world which is already very crowded and will be more crowded because of our breeding, producing and consuming, the mass of daily life that we exposed and will be exposed to are starting point of this thesis.
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