Günümüz Sanatında Otobiyografik Anlatılar
The purpose of the report, titled "Autobiographical Narratives in Contemporary Art", is to determine the influence of the relationship between autobiography and contemporary art while considering social, cultural and historical contexts and by not considering autobiography just as an expression of life but also evaluating this narrative both at the theoretical level and the application level . For that reason, in the first chapter of the report, a connection was made with the self-portrait works in the visual arts in acknowledgement of the autobiography which is in fact based on subject-object integrity and reality. The developments that lead to the formation of artistic and genuine relation as well as the relation with the individualism as the relation in the developmental process have been mentioned. Accordingly, the change of autobiography/self-portrait by the eras' altered perceptions of reality and selfness were determined with the exemplified works. In the second chapter, the transformation of the autobiography in the modern and postmodern period was analyzed by considering social contexts, cultural contexts and sex-based formations. It can be seen that from the 1960s onwards, the appearance and adoption of the content, instead of the adoption of form in arts, influenced the expression forms of the context. Several studies being read through various discourse practices could be determined. In the third chapter, the position of the autobiography in contemporary art was examined according to multiculturalism and the perception of autobiographical relevance in connection with postmodernism. Later, the subject was reinforced with examples of today's art and personal applications.
As a result, it has been determined that the autobiographical narratives, which occured with the need of expressing the singularity of ‘me', as a product of the individualism in the West and the confession culture of Christianity, later evolved into a narrative that opened many doors of personal, social, cultural and political histories by pointing to the plurality of ‘us’ today.