In this study, relationships between mode-І fracture toughness values of 6 different marbles (4 real marble, 2 limestone) selected from different natural stone quarries of Turkey and performance parameters of monowire cutting machine (monowire) and diamond wire cutting machine were analyzed. Semi-circular bending (SCB) test method was used in order to determine mode-І fracture toughness values. As performance parameters, unit wear and unit energy for the monowire cutting machine; unit wear and cutting speed for the diamond wire cutting machine were used. And beside that, the physico-mechanical properties of marbles were determined and relationships between these properties and both fracture toughness values and performance parameters were also investigated.
With the help of the results obtained from these investigations, a logarithmic relationship with a coefficient of correlation of 0,91 between the fracture toughness and unit energy, which is the performance parameters of the monowire cutting machine, was determined. It was also found out that there is a linear relationship with a coefficient of correlation of 0,56 between the fracture toughness and unit wear, which is the other performance parameter of the monowire cutting machine.
When the relationships between the performance parameters of diamond wire cutting machine and fracture toughness were examined, it was determined that there is a linear relationship with a coefficient of correlation of 0,54 with the unit wear; and an inverse linear relationship with a coefficient of correlation of 0,52 with cutting speed.
It was found that there are relationships with high correlation coefficient between the mechanical properties of the marbles used in the study, which are shore hardness index, uniaxial compressive strength,indirect tension strength, bohme surface abrasion strength,fracture toughness and the performance parameters of diamond wire cutting machines. Similarly, meaningful relationships between fracture toughness and other mechanical properties were also obtained.
Furthermore, relationships with low correlation coefficient between the performance parameters of the diamond wire cutting machines and the physical properties of the marbles were obtained except for the unit volume weight analysis. Likewise, the only meaningful correlation between fracture toughness and physical properties was obtained from the unit volume weight analysis.
As a result, it has been demonstrated that the mode-І fracture toughness values can be used in reliably predicting the performance parameters of diamond wire cutting machines, which are increasingly used in the mining industry.
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