Türkiye’deki Kurum Bakımında Büyümüş Bireylerin Psikolojik Dayanıklılık (Yılmazlık) Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi
TURGUT, Ayse Seyma. Investigating the Resilience Degrees of Individuals Who Grew in Institutional Care in Turkey, Master Thesis, Ankara, 2018.
The aim of this research is to evaluate the resilience degree of care leavers. Gaining strength of care leavers in terms of psychosocial health and getting into the life out of institution may be possible by means of social support systems’ get functionality.
Quantitative method was used in the research. The study sample consists of voluntary care leavers registered to Hayat Sende Association and the other care leavers that reached by way of these care leavers by using snowball sampling.
To reveal the sociodemographic characteristics of care leavers Socipdemographic Form that prepared by the researcher and to reveal the resilience degree of care leavers The Resilience Scale for Adults were used as a data collecting tool in this study.
Within the scope of the research, it has reached 107 care leavers and the datas collected from the participants were analyzed by a computer program called SPSS Statistics 20 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). According to variables percent values, avarage values and standard deviation value were identified. To identify whether there is significant distinction and relation among the variables or not, t and ANOVA tests were used.
It was found that the resilience degree of care leavers vary according to the age of taken under care, the age of leaving care and the status of receiving help in the period of having difficulty.