1877-1878 Rus - Osmanlı Savaşı'nda Propaganda: Avrupalı Gazetecilerin Faaliyetleri ve Rus Savaş Muhabiri Vasili İ. N. Dançenko’nun Savaş Notları
The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, which lasted for almost eleven months, and was fought in two fronts, is an important war that changed the international equilibrium and gave rise to universal consequences still felt today. Apart from the socio-cultural, demographic, economic and political depression brought upon the Ottoman Empire, the war also resulted in reshaping to a great extent the Caucasus and the Balkans, resulting to the foundation of new states where today nearly 60 million people live. The aim of this research is discuss the propaganda activities -mostly against the Ottomans-of Russian, English, American, French, German, Italian, Swedish, Austrian and Prussian journalists working under the harsh conditions of Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 and their articles and caricatures. In particular the thesis aims to analyze “The 1877-1878 War Notes of a Russian Correrspondent” Vasiliy İvanoviç Nemiroviç-Dançenko who worked in the Balkan front for two years. His notes, observations and opinions that constitute an original source are reinterpreted. Finally the difficulties of war correspondence during this war, the approach of the Russian and Ottoman side to journalists, are depicted in their observations sent to their journals. This forms the basis of the thesis alongside information on journalists active during the war.