In a competitive market it has become compulsory for insurance companies to
partition their portfolios into the risk categories with all policyholders belonging to
the same category paying the same premium and to fairly distribute the burden of
claims among policyholders.
Existing motor vehicle insurance risk classification plans have been using to create
risk classes according to the priori variables of the insureds such as age, gender,
occupation, use of the vehicle etc. whose values can be determined during the
process of issuance of the policy. But due to the many important factors such as
the habit of obeying traffic rules or swiftness of reflexes of the driver which cannot
be taken into account, the risk classes are not homogeneous enough. For this
reason with the method of so called experience rating, with a correction applied to
the base premiums determined by the risk classification of the insureds, it has
been possible to obtain premiums closer to the risk level of the insured and to
ensure fairness among the insureds.
In this study firstly, insureds are partitioned into the risk classes by using Turkey
MTPL (Motor Third Party Liability) insureds data and then adjustment coefficient
tables are created with the methods of credibility and bonus-malus system.