Spina Bifidalı Çocuklarda Denge Ve Mobiliteyi Etkileyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesi
This study was planned to investigate the relationship between muscular strength, muscular shortness, lumbar lordosis angle and lesion level with balance, mobility and daily life activities in meningomyelocele children. Thirty meningomyelocele (MMS) children whose mean age of 7,83±4,35 were joined the study. After the demographic information of the children is recorded; motor function and mobility (Gross Motor Function Classification System, Functional Mobility Scale), daily life activities (Pediatric Functional Independent Measurement), trunk functions (Trunk Impairment Scale), balance (Pediatric Functional Reach Test, Pediatric Berg Balance Scale), lesion level (International Myelodysplasia Study Group Criteria), lumbar lordosis angle (flexible ruler), muscle shortness and muscle strength (Manual Muscle Test) were evaluated. The result of the study showed that lumbar lordosis angleand muscle strength values was associated with almost all parameters including, balance level, trunk functions, daily life activities and mobility (p<0,05). Children without muscle shortness in TFL and gastro-soleus got higher scores almost all of trunk functions, daily living activities and mobility tests than children with muscle shortness (p<0.05). As a result; lumbar lordosis angle in children with MMS was found to be an important factor in many areas such as balance, trunk functions, activities of daily living and mobility. The results of our study have been showed that muscle strength and shortness of muscles effects over the balance, trunk functions, mobility and daily life activities. In addition our study showed that the lumbar lordosis of SB children was less developed than that of healthy growing children.