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dc.contributor.advisorÖzyıldırım, Işıl
dc.contributor.authorHastürkoğlu, Gökçen
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dc.description.abstractDespite the common acceptance of metaphorical language as one of the components of rhetoric since the ancient times, it has been regarded as the undeniable constituent of culture since the second half of the twentieth century. Its complex cognitive structure and its direct relation with culture have attracted the attention of many researchers. As one of the sub-category of metaphors, colours are indispensable tools of any culture and they have been studied within the framework of cognitive linguistics. This study mainly aims to investigate and compare the cognitive motivations of collocational realizations of basic colour terms in Turkish and English through a descriptive and cognitive analysis. It intends to find out the distribution and frequency of basic colour term idioms, to specify and compare the conceptual metaphors/ metonymies underlying them, their meta-domains and sub-domains, the positive, negative, or neutral qualities attributed to these idioms and interpret the findings in terms of socio-cultural and socio-cognitive structures in the minds and linguistic practices of people of Turkish and English cultures. In order to do so, a study based on specialized dictionaries on idioms is carried out and the analysis is conducted within the framework of Lakoff and Johnson’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory. Because of the non-existence of such a cross-cultural cognitive work on colour terms in Turkish, this study is intended to be a step towards filling this gap and be beneficial for those interested in cultural and cognitive studies, translation studies, and second- language teaching and learning.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL i DECLARATION ii YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI iii ETİK BEYAN iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v ABSTRACT vi ÖZET vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii LIST OF TABLES xvii LIST OF FIGURES xxi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY 1 1.2. PROBLEM OF THE STUDY 2 1.3. THE AIM OF THE STUDY 4 1.4. RESEARCH QUESTIONS 4 1.5. BOUNDARIES OF THE STUDY 5 1.6. ORGANISATION OF THE STUDY 6 CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND RELATED STUDIES 8 2.1. AN OVERVIEW OF COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS 8 2.1.1. Main Tenets of Cognitive Linguistics 8 2.1.2. Embodiment 9 2.1.3. Cognitive Semantics 11 2.1.4. Conceptual Metaphor Theory 12 2.2. IDIOMS 14 2.2.1. Description of Idioms 14 2.2.2. Idioms in Cognitive Linguistics 16 Metaphor-Based Idioms 17 Metonymy-Based Idioms 18 Simile-Based Idioms 20 2.3. CULTURAL COGNITION 21 2.3.1. Cultural Conceptualization 22 2.3.2. Universality and Culture-Specificity of Metaphors 23 2.4. COLOUR UNIVERSALS AND LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY 25 2.5. A BRIEF REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 28 2.5.1. Studies on Colour Terms Abroad 28 2.5.2. Studies on Colour Terms in Turkey 31 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 33 3.1. RESEARCH DESIGN 33 3.2. DATA COLLECTION 34 3.3. DATA ANALYSIS 35 3.3.1. Quantitative and Descriptive Analysis 35 3.3.2. Qualitative and Cognitive Analysis 36 3.3.3. Procedure 36 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND RESULTS 44 4.1. DESCRIPTIVE DATA ANALYSIS 44 4.1.1. Total Number of Basic Colour Terms in Turkish and English Idioms 44 4.1.2. Comparison of the Number of Basic Colour Terms in Turkish and English Idioms 45 4.2. COGNITIVE DATA ANALYSIS 48 4.2.1. Analysis of the Colour White 48 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of White Colour Idioms in Turkish 48 The Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of White Colour Idioms in English 62 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 76 Comparisons of the Target Domains of White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 76 Sub-Domains of White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 76 Similarities Between the Sub-Domains of White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 76 Differences Between the Sub-Domains of White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 81 Meta-Domains of White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 85 Distribution and Analysis of Events-causes Metaphors in White Colour Idioms 87 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion in White Colour Idioms 90 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in White Colour Idioms 92 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 94 Comparison of Simile-based White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 97 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of White Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 98 4.2.2. Analysis of the Colour Black 101 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Black Colour Idioms in Turkish 101 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Black Colour Idioms in English 121 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Black Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 133 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Black Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 133 Sub-Domains of Black Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 133 Similarities Between the Sub-Domains of Black Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 133 Differences Between the Sub-Domains of Black Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 138 Meta-Domains of Black Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 140 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors 142 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion 144 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality 145 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Black Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 147 Comparison of Simile-based Black Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 149 Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of the Idiomatic Expressions with Black in Turkish and English 151 4.2.3. Analysis of the Colour Red 154 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Red Colour Idioms in Turkish 154 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Red Colour Idioms in English 161 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 171 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 171 Sub-Domains of Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 172 Similarities Between the Sub-Domains of Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 172 Differences Between the Sub-Domains of Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 175 Meta-Domains of Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 178 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors in Red Colour Idioms 180 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion in Red Colour Idioms 183 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in Red Colour Idioms 184 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 185 Comparison of Simile-based Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 186 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of Red Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 187 4.2.4. Analysis of the Colour Yellow 189 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish 189 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Yellow Colour Idioms in English 194 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 200 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 200 Sub-Domains of Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 201 Similarities Between the Sub-Domains of Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 201 Differences Between the Sub-Domains of Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 203 Meta-Domains of Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 205 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors in Yellow Colour Idioms 207 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion in Yellow Colour Idioms 209 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in Yellow Colour Idioms 210 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 211 Comparison of Simile-based Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 212 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of Yellow Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 213 4.2.5. Analysis of the Colour Green 215 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Green Colour Idioms in Turkish 215 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Green Colour Idioms in English 218 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 224 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 224 Sub-Domains of Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 225 Similarities Between the Sub-Domains of Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 225 Differences Between the Sub-Domains of Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 226 Meta-Domains of Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 228 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors in Green Colour Idioms 229 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion in Green Colour Idioms 231 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in Green Colour Idioms 231 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 232 Comparison of Simile-based Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 232 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of Green Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 233 4.2.6. Analysis of the Colour Blue 235 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish 235 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Blue Colour Idioms in English 237 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 246 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 246 Sub-Domains of Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 246 Similarities Between the Sub-Domains of Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 246 Differences Between the Sub-Domains of Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 247 Meta-Domains of Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 250 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors in Blue Colour Idioms 252 Distribution and Analysis of Emotion Metaphors in Blue Colour Idioms 254 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in Blue Colour Idioms 255 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 255 Comparison of Simile-based Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 257 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of Blue Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 257 4.2.7. Analysis of the Colour Pink 259 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish 259 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Pink Colour Idioms in English 261 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 263 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 263 Sub-Domains of Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 263 Similarities Between the Sub-Domains of Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 263 Differences Between the Sub-Domains of Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 265 Meta-Domains of Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 266 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors in Pink Colour Idioms 267 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion in Pink Colour Idioms 268 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in Pink Colour Idioms 270 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 270 Comparison of Simile-based Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 271 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of Pink Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 271 4.2.8. Analysis of the Colour Purple 272 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish 272 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Purple Colour Idioms in English 273 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 274 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 274 Sub-Domains of Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 274 Similarities Between the Sub-Domains of Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 274 Differences Between the Sub-Domains of Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 274 Meta-Domains of Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 276 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors in Purple Colour Idioms 277 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion in Purple Colour Idioms 278 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in Purple Colour Idioms 280 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 280 Comparison of Simile-based Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 280 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of Purple Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 280 4.2.9. Analysis of the Colour Brown 281 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Brown Colour Idioms in Turkish 281 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Brown Colour Idioms in English 282 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Brown Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 284 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Brown Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 284 Meta-Domains of Brown Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 285 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors in Brown Colour Idioms 286 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion in Brown Colour Idioms 286 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in Brown Colour Idioms 287 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Brown Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 287 Comparison of Simile-based Brown Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 288 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of Brown Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 289 4.2.10. Analysis of the Colour Orange 289 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Orange Colour Idioms in Turkish 289 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Orange Colour Idioms in English 290 4.2.11. Analysis of the Colour Grey 290 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Grey Colour Idioms in Turkish 290 Analysis of the Cognitive Motivations of Grey Colour Idioms in English 290 Comparison of the Cognitive Motivations of Grey Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 293 Comparisons of the Target Domains of Grey Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 293 Meta-Domains of Grey Colour Idioms in English 293 Distribution and Analysis of Events-Causes Metaphors in Grey Colour Idioms 294 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Emotion in Grey Colour Idioms 295 Distribution and Analysis of Metaphors for Morality in Grey Colour Idioms 295 Comparison of the Metonymy-Based Grey Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 295 Comparison of Simile-based Grey Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 295 Comparison of Positive, Negative, and Neutral Attributes of Grey Colour Idioms in Turkish and English 296 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 298 REFERENCES 310 APPENDIX I. ORIGINALITY REPORT 327 APPENDIX II. ETHICS BOARD WAIWER FORM 328tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjecttemel renk terimleritr_TR
dc.subjectkavramsal metafor/metonim
dc.subjectkültürel kavramsallaştırma
dc.subjectrenklerin yan anlamları
dc.titleA Cognitive Study on the Comparion of Basic Colour Terms in Turkish and English Idiomstr_TR
dc.description.ozetEski çağlardan beri metaforik dil retoriğin içinde kabul edilmesine rağmen, yirminci yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren metaforun kültürün vazgeçilmez bir unsuru olduğu düşüncesi kabul görmüştür. Karmaşık bilişsel yapısı ve kültürle doğrudan ilişkisi birçok araştırmacının dikkatini çekmiştir. Metaforların alt kategorilerinden biri olan renkler ise kültürün vazgeçilmez içeriklerinden biridir ve bilişsel dilbilim kapsamında incelenmektedir. Bu çalışma, esas olarak, betimleyici ve bilişsel analiz yoluyla Türkçe ve İngilizce’deki renk terimlerinin eşdizimli ifadelerinin incelenmesi ve karşılaştırılmasını amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada detaylı bir şekilde Türkçe ve İngilizce temel renk terimleriyle oluşturulmuş deyimlerin dağılımlarını ve sıklıklarını belirlemek, bu deyimlerin kavramsal metaphor/metonimlerini, alt ve üst kavram alanlarını tespit etmek, bu deyimlerin olumlu, olumsuz ya da nötr olarak niteliklerini bulmak ve bu tüm bulguları Türkçe ve İngilizce konuşan bireylerin dillerindeki ve zihinlerindeki sosyo-kültürel ve sosyo-bilişsel yapılanmaları açısından yorumlamak hedeflenmektedir. Bu amaçla deyimleri içeren özel sözlüklere dayalı bir veri çalışması yapılmış ve analiz Lakoff ve Johnson’ın Kavramsal Metafor Kuramı çerçevesinde yürütülmüştür. Daha önce özellikle Türkçe için renk deyimlerine ilişkin karşılaştırmalı kültürel ve bilişsel bir çalışma yapılmamış olmasından dolayı, bu çalışmanın literatürdeki bu boşluğu kapatması ve kültürel, bilişsel çalışmalar yapan, çeviribilimle ilgilenen ve ikinci yabancı dil eğitimi ve öğrenimi ilgili araştırmalar yapanlar için yararlı olması beklenmektedir.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentİngiliz Dilbilimitr_TR

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