Assit Ayırıcı Tanısında Assit Metabolom Tayini için Sıvı Kromatografisi Kütle Spektrometrisi Yöntemi Geliştirilmesi
Pathological fluid collected in the peritoneal cavity is called ascitic fluid. The concept of the differential diagnosis of ascites is process of diagnosing the disease that causes ascites formation. In this thesis, metabolomic studies were performed by liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry (LC/MS Q-TOF) between non malignant ascitic samples (group C) and malignant ascitic samples (group T). Study text consist of three main experimental parts: analytical method development, metabolite profiling and targeted metabolomics. In the method development step, two different sample preparation methods, ultrafiltration and methanol precipitation, two different chromatography columns, HILIC and C18 columns, two different MS modes, positive and negative MS modes, were tried and compared. Ultrafiltration technique, HILIC column and positive mode MS methods were determined as the method giving the maximum number of peaks and study was continued with this method. Metabolite profiling studies were carried out with the developed method and between two groups 141 peaks were found as minimum two times differentiating. Six of these peaks were identified in targeted metabolomic studies and chemical structures were characterized.