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dc.contributor.authorBayraktar Özer, Özge
dc.description.abstractQuality in simultaneous interpreting depends on a variety of factors that can be related to the interpreter, speaker, audience, interpreting environment and so on. Awareness of cognitive processes of simultaneous interpreting, training on certain strategies to be applied, practice and experience on simultaneous interpreting can help overcome adverse effects of interpreter-related factors on the interpreting quality. One of the interpreter-related factors is the lack of knowledge, which can be categorized as linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge in the broadest sense, required to comprehend and render the message. Verbal discourse is based on these two main types of knowledge that are the prerequisites of simultaneous interpreting. Although there is a categorization of two different knowledge types, linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge are inter-dependable factors and the lack of one type can be compensated by the other. This natural complementarity can help interpreters overcome their lack of word knowledge and/or subject knowledge during simultaneous interpreting. This study aims to investigate the complementarity between linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge in simultaneous interpreting. To this end, a single group pretest/posttest research design was employed with a sample of conference interpreting students at Hacettepe University in order to investigate to what extent the complementarity can be achieved in political, technical and medical text samples. The obtained data were scored considering the quality assessment criteria set to evaluate interpreting performance. In addition, comments of the participants were also taken into consideration during the evaluation of their self-consciousness and attitudes towards their own performances during simultaneous interpreting. In addition, a post-test was administered to investigate the effect of the training offered to the participants regarding the complementarity. The results of the study indicate that the participants successfully complemented their lack of linguistic knowledge through their extralinguistic knowledge, yet not vice versa. At the end of the training, the performances of the participants showed that they could equally complement their lack of knowledge. In addition, the difference between pre-test and post-test performances of the participants was found statistically significant in all text groups and subject areas.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL………………………………………………...…i DECLARATION………………………………………………………………….....…ii YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI……………..…………iii ETİK BEYAN……………………………………...…………………………………..iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………..………………………………………..…......v ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH………………………………………………………......vii ABSTRACT IN TURKISH …………..……………………………...………..…….viii TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………......ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…..………………………………..……..……….......xiv LIST OF TABLES............…………………………………………………....…......xv LIST OF FIGURES...……………………………………………………..……......xvii LIST OF CHARTS...……………………………………………………..……......xviii LIST OF IMAGES...………..…………………………………….………...............xxi LIST OF APPENDICES...………………………………………….……..............xxii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………….1 1.1. PROBLEM SITUATION………………………….…………….………..3 1.2. AIM OF THE STUDY………………………………………..….……......4 1.3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS…………………………………………...….4 1.3.1. Sub-Questions……...…...…………………………………..……....5 1.4. IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY…………………….……………....…5 1.5. ASSUMPTIONS……………………………………………………...…..6 1.6. LIMITATIONS.……………………………………………………….……6 1.7. DEFINITIONS……………………………………………..………………6 1.8. RELEVANT RESEARCH……………….…………………...…………..7 CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND…………………..................….12 2.1. A GENERAL OVERVIEW OF INTERPRETING…………..…….....12 2.1.1.Modalities and Settings of Interpreting...................................16 2.1.2. History of Interpreting As a Profession…………..…….……..17 2.1.3. History of Interpreting As an Academic Discipline…………..21 2.2. COGNITIVE MODELS AND APPROACHES IN SI…….………......23 2.2.1. Gile's Effort Model…………………..…………………...….….23 2.2.2. Massaro's Model………………………………………............28 2.2.3. Interpretive Model………………………................................32 2.2.4. Chernov's Probabilistic Anticipation Model……..…..............35 2.3. LINGUISTIC AND EXTRALINGUISTIC KNOWLEDGE IN SI…....37 2.3.1. Linguistic Knowledge……………..………...........................…38 2.3.2. Extralinguistic Knowledge…….…………………….…….….... 40 2.3.3. Complementarity……..………….……….….……….……….... 44 2.4. QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT IN SI….…….....46 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY…………………….…………………….………49 3.1. PARTICIPANTS……………………...……….………..…….….……..49 3.2. DESIGN OF THE STUDY…………….....….….................…………..50 3.2.1. Validity and Reliability……………………................................50 3.2.2. Pilot Test ………………………………………........................51 3.2.3. Training……………………………………..…………….………51 3.2.4. Assessment of SI Performances……………………….………52 3.3. DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENTS………….….……...….….….52 3.3.1. Preliminary Tests…………………………….....……..……...…52 Vocabulary Test….……………….…………..….….……53 Extralinguistic Knowledge Test…………........…...….…54 3.3.2. Texts to be Interpreted……………………………..…….…..54 Pre-Test Texts………………………………………..…55 Follow-up Test Texts………….……………..…………55 Post-Test Texts ……………………..…………….……56 Comments of the Participants…………………….…..56 3.4. PROCEDURE…………………..……………………………………....56 3.5. DATA ANALYSIS…………………………..……...…………...…..…59 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION………………………………..…..61 4.1. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS REGARDING THE PILOT STUDY………………...………………………………………………...61 4.1.1.Preliminary Tests…………………….………….…….…….…...62 Test…………….…………….……..…….…..62 Knowledge Test…..………………….…..63 4.1.2. Main Test……………………………………………...……...……70 4.1.3. Comments of the Pilot Group….………..…..............................71 4.2. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS REGARDING THE EXPERIMENT GROUP…………………………………………..........73 4.2.1.Preliminary Tests………………….…...…………..…….….….....73 Test…………….……………………….……….73 Knowledge Test…..………….……………..74 4.3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS REGARDING THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS……………….…………………………………….…..….82 4.4. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS REGARDING THE SUB- QUESTIONS…………………………….…...………..………….….….98 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS…………..………111 5.1. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRAINING…………………………...115 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………..….……...116 APPENDIX 1 …………………………………………………………..…...………124 APPENDIX 2: …………………………………………………….….………..……125 APPENDIX 3: ………………………………………………………..…..…………126 APPENDIX 4: ………………………………………………………….......………127 APPENDIX 5: ……………………………………………………………..………..128 APPENDIX 6: …………………………………………………..…………………..129 APPENDIX 7: ………………………………………………………….………...…130 APPENDIX 8: ……………………………………………………….…..………....131 APPENDIX 9: ……………………………………..………………………………..132 APPENDIX 10: …………………………………………………………..…..…….133 APPENDIX 11: ……………………………………….…..…………..…..……..…134 APPENDIX 12: …………………………………………………..…………………135 APPENDIX 13: ………………………………………………………..…..…….…136 APPENDIX 14: …………………………………………………….……...……….141 APPENDIX 15: ………………………………………………………..…..…….…142 APPENDIX 16: ………………………………………………………..…..…….…144 ÖZGEÇMİŞ……………….…………………………………………………..……..146tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectDilsel Bilgi
dc.subjectDil Dışı Bilgiler
dc.subjectBilişsel Yük
dc.subjectKonferans Çevirmenliği
dc.subjectAndaş Çeviri
dc.subjectÇaba Modeli
dc.subjectLinguistic Knowledge
dc.subjectConference Interpreting
dc.subjectEffort Model
dc.subjectSimultaneous Interpreting
dc.titleComplementarity Between Linguistic And Extralinguistic Knowlwdge In Simultaneous Interpretingtr_TR
dc.description.ozetAndaş çeviride kalite, çevirmen, konuşmacı, dinleyiciler, çeviri ortamı gibi çeşitli faktörlere bağlıdır. Andaş çevirinin bilişsel süreçlerine ilişkin farkındalık, uygulanabilecek belirli stratejilere yönelik eğitim, andaş çeviride kazanılan pratik ve deneyim, çeviri sürecini olumsuz etkileyebilecek çevirmenle ilgili etmenlerin ortadan kaldırılmasına yardımcı olabilir. Çevirmenin kendisiyle ilgili olan etmenlerden biri de, iletinin anlaşılması ve yorumlanması için gerekli olan ve en geniş kapsamıyla dilsel ve dil dışı bilgi olarak sınıflandırılan bilgi eksikliğidir. Sözlü anlatım, andaş çevirinin de ön koşulları olarak görülen bu iki temel bilgi türüne dayanmaktadır. İki farklı bilgi türü sınıflandırılmasına karşın, dilsel ve dil dışı bilgi birbirine bağlı etmenler olup, bir bilgi türünün eksikliği, diğer bilgi türü ile telafi edilebilir. Bu doğal bütünleyicilik, çevirmenlerin andaş çeviri sırasında sözcük bilgisi ve/ya konu bilgisi eksikliklerinin üstesinden gelmesine yardımcı olabilir. Bu çalışma, andaş çeviride dilsel ve dil dışı bilgi arasındaki bütünleyiciliğin andaş çeviriye etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, Hacettepe Üniversitesi'nden konferans çevirmenliği öğrencilerinin oluşturduğu bir örneklem grubu ile tek gruplu öntest/sontest tasarımı uygulanarak, iki bilgi türü arasındaki bütünleyiciliğin siyasi, tıbbi ve teknik metin örneklemlerinde ne ölçüde uygulandığı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler, kalite değerlendirme ölçütlerine göre puanlanmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra, katılımcıların andaş çeviri sırasındaki tutumlarının ve öz bilinçlerinin incelenmesinde, katılımcıların yorumları da dikkate alınmıştır. Ayrıca, katılımcılara dilsel ve dil dışı bilgi arasındaki bütünleyicilik üzerine verilen eğitimin, performanslarına olan etkisi son-test ile ölçülmüştür. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre, katılımcılar dilsel bilgi eksikliklerini dil dışı bilgileriyle tamamlayabilmiştir ancak dil dışı bilgi eksikliklerini dilsel bilgi ile tamamlayamamıştır. Verilen eğitim sonunda ise, katılımcılar her iki bilgi türünü de eşit biçimde tamamlayabilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, katılımcıların ön-test ve son-test performansları arasındaki fark, tüm metin gruplarında ve konu alanlarında istatistiki açıdan anlamlı bulunmuştur.tr_TR

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