Büyüklenmeci Ve Kırılgan Narsisistik Kişilik Özellikleri Ile Ilişkili Faktörlerin Şema Terapi Modeli Çerçevesinde Incelenmesi
This study examined the relationships between grandiose and vulnerable narcissistic personality characteristics, perceived parenting styles and early maladaptive schemas. In the study it was aimed to evaluate the mediatior role of early maladaptive schema domains in the relationship between perceived parenting styles and grandiose and vulnerable narcissistic personality charactersistics. The sample of the study consisted of 460 university students. Young Parenting Inventory (YPI), Young Schema Questionnaire Short Form-3 (YSQ-SF3), Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-16) and Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS) were used in the study.A series of Parallel Multiple Mediator Analysis was conducted to investigate the mediator roles of early maladaptive schema domains. Results indicated that the relationship between perceived maternal overpermissive/boundless and paternal conditional/achievement focused parenting and grandiose narcissistic personality characteristics was mediated by