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dc.contributor.advisorÖzkazanç, Yakup
dc.contributor.authorKuralay, Melih Timurcan
dc.description.abstractGNSS spoofing attacks are conducted to deceive a GNSS receiver by imitating satellite signals, making it appear to be at a different location than it actually is. These attacks threaten the security of GNSS receivers used in critical applications such as aviation, military operations, and autonomous vehicles, and, consequently, the security of these applications. With the proliferation of radio frequency modules, these attacks have rapidly advanced, making the development of anti-spoofing measures essential. Anti-spoofing measures are features added to receivers to counter these spoofing attacks, and an anti-spoofing receiver architecture involves integrating various techniques and methods into receivers to effectively detect and mitigate such threats. In this study, spoofing attacks found in the literature were comprehensively examined. Different types of spoofing attacks, their underlying mechanisms, and their potential impacts on various systems were systematically described. The effects of these attacks, their complexity levels, and the challenges encountered in detecting and preventing them have been systematically described in detail. These descriptions aim to emphasize the severity of the threats posed by various spoofing iv techniques and the complexities involved in their detection and mitigation processes. Additionally, various anti-spoofing methods applied against these attacks were also examined. Each method was critically evaluated in terms of its effectiveness, with attention given to the scenarios in which they are most and least effective. Through a series of experimental studies, specific weaknesses and limitations of the existing anti-spoofing measures were identified. These weaknesses were carefully analyzed to explain their causes and potential risks. Based on the findings from these analyses, a new and reliable anti-spoofing architecture was proposed to address the shortcomings of current measures. This proposed architecture aims not only to mitigate known vulnerabilities but also to offer a more adaptable and resilient defense mechanism capable of responding to emerging threats. The proposed solution was thoroughly evaluated for its practicality and effectiveness in real-world applications, making a significant contribution to efforts to enhance security.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractGNSS spoofing attacks are conducted to deceive a GNSS receiver by imitating satellite signals, making it appear to be at a different location than it actually is. These attacks threaten the security of GNSS receivers used in critical applications such as aviation, military operations, and autonomous vehicles, and, consequently, the security of these applications. With the proliferation of radio frequency modules, these attacks have rapidly advanced, making the development of anti-spoofing measures essential. Anti-spoofing measures are features added to receivers to counter these spoofing attacks, and an anti-spoofing receiver architecture involves integrating various techniques and methods into receivers to effectively detect and mitigate such threats. In this study, spoofing attacks found in the literature were comprehensively examined. Different types of spoofing attacks, their underlying mechanisms, and their potential impacts on various systems were systematically described. The effects of these attacks, their complexity levels, and the challenges encountered in detecting and preventing them have been systematically described in detail. These descriptions aim to emphasize the severity of the threats posed by various spoofing iv techniques and the complexities involved in their detection and mitigation processes. Additionally, various anti-spoofing methods applied against these attacks were also examined. Each method was critically evaluated in terms of its effectiveness, with attention given to the scenarios in which they are most and least effective. Through a series of experimental studies, specific weaknesses and limitations of the existing anti-spoofing measures were identified. These weaknesses were carefully analyzed to explain their causes and potential risks. Based on the findings from these analyses, a new and reliable anti-spoofing architecture was proposed to address the shortcomings of current measures. This proposed architecture aims not only to mitigate known vulnerabilities but also to offer a more adaptable and resilient defense mechanism capable of responding to emerging threats. The proposed solution was thoroughly evaluated for its practicality and effectiveness in real-world applications, making a significant contribution to efforts to enhance security.tr_TR
dc.publisherFen Bilimleri Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectGNSS aldatmatr_TR
dc.subjectGNSS aldatma karşıtı tedbirlertr_TR
dc.subjectCRPA antentr_TR
dc.subjectINS/IMU sensörlertr_TR
dc.subject.lcshÜniversiteler ve Öğrenim kurumları (Genel)tr_TR
dc.titleGNSS Aldatma Karşıtı Bir Almaç Mimarisinin Geliştirilmesitr_TR
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of A GNSS Anti Spoofing Receiver Architecture
dc.description.ozetGNSS aldatma saldırıları, uydu sinyallerini taklit ederek GNSS alıcısını aldatmak ve olmadığı bir konumdaymış gibi göstermek için yapılan saldırılardır ve havacılık, askeri operasyonlar ve otonom araçlar gibi kritik uygulamalarda kullanılan GNSS alıcıların güvenliğini tehdit eder. Bu saldırılar günümüzde radyo frekans modüllerinin yaygınlaşması ile beraber hızla gelişmiştir. Bu durum, aldatma saldırılarının artmasına neden olurken, aynı zamanda aldatma karşıtı tedbirlerin geliştirilmesi elzem hale gelmiştir. Aldatma karşıtı önlemler ise bu aldatma saldırılarını bertaraf etmek için alıcılara entegre edilen özelliklerdir ve aldatma karşıtı almaç mimarisi de bu tür tehditleri etkili bir şekilde tespit etmek ve azaltmak için çeşitli tekniklerin ve yöntemlerin alıcılara entegre edilmesini kapsar. Bu çalışma kapsamında, literatürde bulunan aldatma saldırıları kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Farklı türdeki aldatma saldırıları, bu saldırıların temel mekanizmaları ve çeşitli sistemler üzerindeki potansiyel sonuçları sistematik bir şekilde anlatılmıştır. Bu saldırıların etkileri, karmaşıklık seviyeleri ve tespit edilip engellenmesinde karşılaşılan zorluklar, ayrıntılı bir şekilde sistematik olarak anlatılmıştır. Bu anlatımlar, çeşitli aldatma tekniklerinin oluşturduğu tehditlerin ciddiyetini, bunların tespit edilmesi ve hafifletilmesi sürecindeki karmaşıklıkları vurgulamak amacı taşımaktadır. ii Ayrıca, bu saldırılara karşı uygulanan çeşitli aldatma karşıtı yöntemler de incelenmiştir. Her yöntem, etkinliği açısından eleştirel bir şekilde değerlendirilmiş ve hangi senaryolarda en etkili veya en az etkili olduklarına dikkat edilmiştir. Bir dizi deneysel çalışma yoluyla, mevcut aldatma karşıtı tedbirlerin belirli zayıflıkları ve sınırlamaları tespit edilmiştir. Bu zayıflıklar dikkatlice analiz edilerek, bu açıkların nedenleri ve potansiyel riskleri anlatılmıştır. Bu analizlerden elde edilen bulgulara dayanarak, mevcut önlemlerin eksikliklerini gidermeyi hedefleyen yeni ve güvenilir bir aldatma karşıtı mimari önerilmiştir. Önerilen bu mimari, yalnızca bilinen aldatmaya açık kısımları hafifletmekle kalmayıp, aynı zamanda ortaya çıkan tehditlere yanıt verebilecek daha uyarlanabilir ve dirençli bir savunma mekanizması sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Önerilen çözüm, pratik uygulamalarda uygulanabilirliği ve etkinliği açısından kapsamlı bir şekilde değerlendirilmiş olup, güvenliği artırma çabalarına önemli bir katkı sağlamaktadır.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentElektrik –Elektronik Mühendisliğitr_TR
dc.embargo.termsAcik erisimtr_TR

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