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dc.contributor.advisorEmmungil Karamanoğlu, Serap
dc.contributor.authorÖzen, Uğur
dc.description.abstractThis thesis titled “Chaotic Landscape Paintings” is limited to “what is chaotic as an image” in nature landscapes. In the thesis, the destruction that occurs as a result of nature’s own natural cycle and the chaotic appearances that emerge as a result of the destruction created by humans on nature are discussed as the main subject. The chaotic appearance of nature itself and the chaotic appearances that occur as a result of the negative effects of human inventions on nature have constituted the main forms of the works of many artists in the history of art, and the chaotic landscape of nature has been interpreted by artists with different understandings in the process. Chaos in nature is a form of order based on disorder. Nature constantly disrupts and reorganizes its own order. Natural disasters such as floods, volcanic and tectonic eruptions, earthquakes, and fires are examples of chaotic events. Apart from the cyclical chaos of nature, the chaos that occurs due to human influence began with the Industrial Revolution and the development of technology. Thus, the chaotic landscapes created by humans in nature have emerged. Wars, the effects of war machines and nuclear weapons on nature, and the pollution created by industrialized cities have negatively affected nature and caused its destruction. In painting, the reflections of chaos in nature and how humans perceive and interpret this chaotic structure have been reshaped from the perspective of artists. Artists have tried to discover the order in chaos by reflecting the ever-changing structure of nature in their works. Chaotic paintings based on appearance have been selected in the works examined within the scope of the thesis. In the works produced within the context of the subject of the thesis, the destruction and chaotic appearances created by nature within its own cycle have come to the fore. In the works where the dynamic appearance of nature has gained an appearance as a basic form, attention has been drawn mainly to the existence of destruction and chaos in nature. In addition, objects in the structure of nature and associated with personal memory have been presented within the landscape appearance in an attempt to create a holistic meaning. The works produced in different series are presented under five titles: "Landscape and Personal Use Objects", "Dead Trees Forest and Peripherals", "Chaotic Anatomy of Spectacular Landscape", "Rhythmic Chaos" and "Ecological Chaos Landscapes". The chaotic structure of the landscape has been depicted using different mediums such as classical canvas painting, installation, digital painting, and video art. Keywords: Chaos, Chaotic Landscape, War, Ecology, Nature, Painting, Art.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractThis thesis titled “Chaotic Landscape Paintings” is limited to “what is chaotic as an image” in nature landscapes. In the thesis, the destruction that occurs as a result of nature’s own natural cycle and the chaotic appearances that emerge as a result of the destruction created by humans on nature are discussed as the main subject. The chaotic appearance of nature itself and the chaotic appearances that occur as a result of the negative effects of human inventions on nature have constituted the main forms of the works of many artists in the history of art, and the chaotic landscape of nature has been interpreted by artists with different understandings in the process. Chaos in nature is a form of order based on disorder. Nature constantly disrupts and reorganizes its own order. Natural disasters such as floods, volcanic and tectonic eruptions, earthquakes, and fires are examples of chaotic events. Apart from the cyclical chaos of nature, the chaos that occurs due to human influence began with the Industrial Revolution and the development of technology. Thus, the chaotic landscapes created by humans in nature have emerged. Wars, the effects of war machines and nuclear weapons on nature, and the pollution created by industrialized cities have negatively affected nature and caused its destruction. In painting, the reflections of chaos in nature and how humans perceive and interpret this chaotic structure have been reshaped from the perspective of artists. Artists have tried to discover the order in chaos by reflecting the ever-changing structure of nature in their works. Chaotic paintings based on appearance have been selected in the works examined within the scope of the thesis. In the works produced within the context of the subject of the thesis, the destruction and chaotic appearances created by nature within its own cycle have come to the fore. In the works where the dynamic appearance of nature has gained an appearance as a basic form, attention has been drawn mainly to the existence of destruction and chaos in nature. In addition, objects in the structure of nature and associated with personal memory have been presented within the landscape appearance in an attempt to create a holistic meaning. The works produced in different series are presented under five titles: "Landscape and Personal Use Objects", "Dead Trees Forest and Peripherals", "Chaotic Anatomy of Spectacular Landscape", "Rhythmic Chaos" and "Ecological Chaos Landscapes". The chaotic structure of the landscape has been depicted using different mediums such as classical canvas painting, installation, digital painting, and video art.tr_TR
dc.publisherGüzel Sanatlar Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectKaotik manzara
dc.titleKaotik Manzara Resşmleritr_TR
dc.title.alternativeChaotic Landscape Picturestr_TR
dc.description.ozet“Kaotik Manzara Resimleri” başlıklı bu tez, doğa manzaralarında “görüntü olarak kaotik olan”la sınırlandırılmıştır. Tezde, doğanın kendi doğal döngüsü sonucu oluşan yıkım ile insanın doğa üzerinde yaratmış olduğu yıkımın sonucunda ortaya çıkan kaos görünümleri ana konu olarak ele alınmıştır. Doğanın kendi kaotik görünümü ile insan icatlarının doğa üzerindeki olumsuz etkileriyle oluşan kaotik görünümler,sanat tarihinde pek çok sanatçının yapıtlarının ana biçimlerini oluşturmuş ve süreç içerisinde doğanın kaotik manzarası sanatçılar tarafından farklı anlayışlarla yorumlanmıştır. Doğadaki kaos, düzensizliğe dayalı bir düzen biçimidir. Doğa sürekli olarak kendi düzenini bozar ve yeniden düzenler. Seller, volkanik ve tektonik patlamalar, depremler, yangınlar gibi doğal afetler kaotik olaylara örnektir. Doğanın döngüsel kaosunun dışında, insan etkisiyle ortaya çıkan kaos ise Sanayi Devrimi ve teknolojinin gelişimiyle birlikte başlamıştır. Böylece, insanın doğada yaratmış olduğu kaotik manzaralar ortaya çıkmıştır. Savaşlar, savaş makinalarının ve nükleer silahların doğa üzerindeki etkileri, sanayileşen kentlerin oluşturduğu kirlilik doğayı olumsuz yönde etkilemiş ve doğanın yıkımına neden olmuştur. Resim sanatında, kaosun doğadaki yansımaları ve insanın bu kaotik yapıyı nasıl algılayıp yorumladığı, sanatçıların bakış açısıyla yeniden şekillendirilmiştir. Sanatçılar, doğanın sürekli değişen yapısını çalışmalarına yansıtarak, kaosun içindeki düzeni keşfetmeye çalışmışlardır. Tezin konusu bağlamında yapılan çalışmalarda, doğanın kendi döngüsü içerisinde yaratmış olduğu yıkım ve kaotik görünümler ön plana çıkmıştır. Doğanın devingen görünümünün temel bir biçim olarak görünüm kazandığı çalışmalarda esas olarak doğa içindeki yıkımın ve kaosun varlığına dikkat çekilmiştir. Bununla birlikte doğanın yapısında yer alan ve kişisel bellekle ilişkilendirilen nesneler manzara görünümünün içinde sunularak bütünlüklü bir anlam oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Farklı diziler ş eklinde üretilmiş çalışmalar; "Manzara ve Kişisel Kullanım Nesneleri", "Ölü Ağaçlar Ormanı ve Çeperler", "Seyirlik Manzaranın Kaotik Anatomisi", "Ritmik Kaos" ve "Ekolojik Kaos Manzaraları" olarak beş başlık altında sunulmuştur. Manzaranın kaotik yapısı, klasik tuval resmi, enstalasyon, dijital resim ve video art gibi farklı medyumlar kullanılarak imgelem yöntemiyle uygulanmıştır.tr_TR
dc.embargo.termsAcik erisimtr_TR

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