Dualar ve Şerhler Kitabı (Metin-Yazı Çevrimi-Söz Yapımı-Dizin)

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Dalkıran, Kezban
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Turkish literature has produced many works over the centuries. Some of these works have been
studied and introduced to the scientific world, while others have not yet been studied. These
untouched manuscripts, which make a great contribution to researchers, add a rich vocabulary to the
Turkish language. For this reason, the introduction of these works is of great importance.
One of these manuscripts, which is the subject of this thesis, is the book "Dualar ve Şerhler" (Prayers
and Commentaries), which is thought to date back to the 16th century or earlier, and which contains
many prayers written in Arabic and their commentaries written in old Anatolian Turkish, and consists
of 159 varays. Since the author did not give a specific name to the book, it was deemed appropriate to
call the book "Book of Prayers and Commentaries" due to the many prayers written in Arabic and their
The aim of the thesis is to translate some Arabic prayers and their commentaries written in Old
Anatolian Turkish, to prepare an index of the words and to look at the word structure. In this respect,
the study basically consists of three parts. The first part, the review section, includes word
construction. The text section includes the translation of the work in question. The last part is the
As a result of the examination made in line with the research, when the whole manuscript is examined,
the date of writing coincides with the last periods of the Old Anatolian Turkish of the Turkish
language. In this respect, the manuscript will provide important data to the world of science. Many
archaic words found in writing reveal the importance of writing.