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dc.contributor.advisorÖzdağ, Ufuk
dc.contributor.authorSaçbüken, Elifsu
dc.description.abstractRichard Powers' novels, The Overstory (2018) and Bewilderment (2021), explore the psychological impacts of ecological degradation and restoration. The Overstory interweaves the lives of nine different characters brought together by their deep connection to trees and their collective efforts to combat deforestation. Bewilderment follows the journey of a father and his young son as they navigate the complexities of grief and environmental degredation, finding solace and understanding in their relationship with the natural world. Both novels emphasize the symbiotic connection between humans and nature, highlighting the restorative power of natural engagement and the detrimental effects of environmental loss. This thesis situates itself at the intersection of ecopsychology and biophilia, aiming to examine how Powers’ portrayal of nature-human interactions reflects broader concerns about environmental crises and mental health. By integrating perspectives from ecopsychology, it hopes to illuminate the innate human affinity for the natural world and the psychological ramifications of its devastation. Furthermore, by analyzing the biophilic tendencies of Powers’ characters and their psychological evolution within ecologically degraded landscapes, this thesis seeks to contribute to the growing discourse on the imperative for environmental stewardship and mental health awareness.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractRichard Powers' novels, The Overstory (2018) and Bewilderment (2021), explore the psychological impacts of ecological degradation and restoration. The Overstory interweaves the lives of nine different characters brought together by their deep connection to trees and their collective efforts to combat deforestation. Bewilderment follows the journey of a father and his young son as they navigate the complexities of grief and environmental degredation, finding solace and understanding in their relationship with the natural world. Both novels emphasize the symbiotic connection between humans and nature, highlighting the restorative power of natural engagement and the detrimental effects of environmental loss. This thesis situates itself at the intersection of ecopsychology and biophilia, aiming to examine how Powers’ portrayal of nature-human interactions reflects broader concerns about environmental crises and mental health. By integrating perspectives from ecopsychology, it hopes to illuminate the innate human affinity for the natural world and the psychological ramifications of its devastation. Furthermore, by analyzing the biophilic tendencies of Powers’ characters and their psychological evolution within ecologically degraded landscapes, this thesis seeks to contribute to the growing discourse on the imperative for environmental stewardship and mental health awareness.tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectEcopsychology, biophilia, ecocriticism, environmental literature, ecological restorationtr_TR
dc.subjectEcopsychology, biophilia, ecocriticism, environmental literature, ecological restorationtr_TR
dc.titleHealing in Nature: Ecopsychology in Richard Powers' The Overstory (2018) and Bewildermenttr_TR
dc.description.ozetRichard Powers’ın romanları The Overstory (2018) ve Bewilderment (2021), ekolojik tahribat ve restorasyonun psikolojik etkilerini incelemektedir. The Overstory, ağaçlarla bağlar kuran ve orman tahribatına karşı birlikte mücadele eden dokuz farklı karakterin hayatlarını sunmaktadır. Bewilderment ise bir baba ve oğlunun, çevresel yıkımın zorluklarıyla başa çıkarken, doğayla ilişkilerinde teselli ve anlam bulma çabalarını anlatmaktadır. Her iki roman da insanlarla doğa arasındaki simbiyotik ilişkinin üzerinde durarak, doğayla etkileşimin iyileştirici gücünü ve çevresel kayıpların zarar verici etkilerini vurgular. Bu tez, ekopsikoloji ve biyofili kavramlarını bir araya getirererek, Powers’ın doğa-insan etkileşimlerini nasıl yansıttığını ve bunun çevresel krizler ile ruh sağlığı konusundaki endişeleri nasıl ele aldığını incelemektedir. Ek olarak, bu tez ekopsikolojinin farklı perspektiflerini ortaya koyarak, insanın doğayla olan içgüdüsel yakınlığını ve doğanın tahribatının psikolojik sonuçlarını aydınlatmayı hedeflemektedir. Ayrıca, Powers’ın karakterlerinin biyofilik eğilimlerini ve ekolojik olarak tahrip olmuş çevrelerde yaşadıkları psikolojik zorlukları analiz ederek, çevre koruma ve ruh sağlığı farkındalığının önemine dair tartışmalara katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentAmerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatıtr_TR
dc.embargo.termsAcik erisimtr_TR

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