Nano Üretim Kavramının Üretim Yönetimi Alanında Bibliyometrik ve Sistematik Analiziİ
Nanotechnology is a concept that has been continuously developing since the 1950s and has begun to be used in various industries worldwide. This rapid development of nanotechnology has given rise to the concept of nano-manufacturing. Products obtained through nano-manufacturing need to be examined not only from engineering and technical perspectives but also as part of production management concepts. Especially with the rapid development of technology and Industry 4.0 technologies, the concept of nano-manufacturing has started to play more significant role in production management. In this thesis, academic articles on nano-manufacturing from the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were examined, and bibliometric analysis was used to provide insights into collaborations and related themes, authors, institutions, and countries through tables, graphs, and scientific mapping techniques. Additionally, systematic analysis was conducted on studies retrieved from WoS and Scopus databases, with specific keywords and filters, to evaluate their content, objectives, contributions to literature, addressed production issues, sectors, research methods, and recommendations. The aim of this thesis is to conduct a literature review of the concept of nano-manufacturing from the perspective of production management and support this study with bibliometric and systematic analysis methods. The thesis concludes with a review of studies in the literature concerning production management within the scope of the nano-manufacturing concept. The objective is to discuss the current state of the field and provide recommendations with the intention of guiding future research and practitioners in this area.