Bakır Cürufu Öğütme Devresinin Bilgisayar Destekli Performans Değerlendirmesi ve Optimizasyonu
In this study, modelling and simulation studies were performed, with the samples
taken from copper slag grinding circuit. In the grinding circuit, there are two different
hydrocyclone groups working together with the autogenous mill and the pebble mill
as closed circuits. JK Simmet v 6.01 software was used for mass balancing studies
in grinding circuit. Performance of the grinding circuit was obtained in survey
conditions. Autogeneous and pebble mills were modeled in the next phase
Leung and variable rates AG / SAG models were used for the autogenous mill and
these two models were compared in terms of estimation properties. Also, pebble
mill was modeled by perfect mixing ball mill model. After modelling studies, base
simulation condition was established. Fresh feed capacity was determined as 38.86
tons/hour for base simulation condition. Improvements to increase fresh feed
capacity were grouped under two headings as investment free and investment
requiring alternatives. The capacity of grinding circuit shows an increase of about
12 % compared to the base simulation condition when the recomended fresh feed
particle size distribution is used and hydrocyclones are operated more efficiently.
In case of hydrocyclones are operating more efficiently with the suggested particle
size distribution, a considerable increase in the circuit capacity is achieved by
adding a cone crusher at the discharge of the autogenous mill for crushing of coarse
pebbles. Finally, hydrocyclones have been replaced with high frequency wet
screens that is used for fine screening purposes. As a result of all these changes,
the fresh feed tonnage is increased by % 31 in compared to the base simulation