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dc.contributor.advisorÇelebi, Özlen
dc.contributor.authorAbdulwahab, Weldan
dc.description.abstractIraq is a country that has been continuously generating headlines in the world media since its occupation by the United States in 2003. The country has been battered by internal conflict with both, ethnic and sectarian dimensions. One of the most disputed areas in Iraq is the northern province of Kirkuk. It has been a hotbed of political and nationalistic strife between Kurds, Arabs and Turkmens since 2003, the time when the power balance in the governorate shifted on the side of the Kurds to the detriment of the others. This, among many other problems, is one of the main reasons for instability in the country and region as well. As long as the Kurdish authorities advantage of petroleum revenues unilaterally, the conflict may prolong and even have the potential to inflame the whole region by involving major regional powers like Turkey and Iran because of its threat to the their territorial integrity. The only feasible solution to avoid such a dangerous conflict is for Kurds and Iraqi Government to stay loyal to the unity of Iraq and behave in accordance with the Iraqi Constitution. This thesis will narrate and analyze the history of the disputes in the country with a focus on Kirkuk, their reasons, major players, their future implications, and propose recommendations to resolve the conflict and make Iraq a stable and functioning country for the benefit of Iraqis and the region.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL………………………………………………..….i DECLARATION………………………………………………………………….....…ii YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI…..………………...iii ETİK BEYAN………………………………………………………………………….iv DEDICATION....………………………………………………………………….........v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..................………………………………………....… ABSTRACT ..…………………………………….……………………………...........vii ÖZET………………………………………………………………………….……....viii TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….......ix ABBREVIATIONS.............……......………………………………………………....xii TABLES...........................…………......………………………………………….......xiv FIGURES.............…………………....…………………………………………..........xv MAPS.............…………………....…………………………………………................xvi INTRODUCTION ..1 CHAPTER 1: A BRIEF HISTORY OF KIRKUK 5 1.1.The Geographical Location and Demographical Structure of Kirkuk 5 1.2.Kirkuk in the 20th Century Before the Iraqi State 8 1.3Kirkuk Before the Reign of Saddam Hussein 10 1.4.The Politics of Arabization 11 1.4.1. First Period (1925-1962) 11 1.4.2. The Second Phase of Arabization (1963-68) 12 1.4.3. The Third Phase of Arabization (1968-74) 13 1.4.4. The Fourth Phase of Arabization (1975-87) 14 1.4.5. The Final Phase of Arabization (1987-2003) 16 1.6. Kirkuk’s Oil Industry before the Fall of Saddam 18 CHAPTER 2: KIRKUK AFTER THE US OCCUPATION 19 2.1. US Occupation of Kirkuk 19 2.1.1. The Kurdish Claims 22 2.1.2. The Arabs’ Claims 23 2.1.3. The Turkmens’ Claims 24 2.2. Provisional Government of Iraq 27 2.3. Baghdad’s Transitional Administrative Law ..........29 2.4. Provincial Elections of 2005 30 2.5. Parliamentary Elections and Iraqi Government of 2005 35 2.6. Failure to Uphold Article 140........................................................................…36 2.7. Parliamentary Elections of 2010…………………….................………….…..38 CHAPTER 3: KIRKUK AFTER THE US WITHDRAWAL 40 3.1. Tensions between KRG and ICG Regarding Oil 40 3.2. The Blitz of ISIS in Northern Iraq.. 47 3.3. Attempts of Reconciliation with Central Government 50 3.4. Assembling the International Coalition Against ISIS 53 3.5. Unleashing the Shia Militias 54 3.6. Iran’s and Turket’s Foreign Policies Towards Iraq 56 3.7. The Kurdish Flag Incident in Kirkuk………………….....………………..…58 3.8.The Future Government of Kirkuk 59 3.9. Kirkuk in Future ……………………………........………………………..….60 3.10. Recommendations For the Future of Kirkuk………….....…………..…….61 3.10.1. Suggestions for the Central Government of Iraq……................…....…63 3.10.2.Suggestions To the Kurdish Regional Government…….....……………64 3.10.3. Suggestion for Turkey, Iran and United States……………......….……64 CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION...……………….……………….…………………………….66 BIBLIOGRAPHY 70 APPENDIX 1. Articles 58,121 and 140 79 APPENDIX 2. Ethics Board Waiver Form For Thesis Work.........................................82 APPENDIX 3. Thesis Originality Report....................................................................84tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectIraqi Central Government
dc.subjectKurdish Politics
dc.titleGeopolitics of Kirkuk and it’s Impact on the Future of Iraqtr_TR
dc.description.ozetIrak, Birleşik Devletler tarafından 2003’teki işgalinden itibaren dünya medyasında devamlı gazete başlıklarına konu olan bir ülkedir. Ülke, hem etnik, hem de mezhepsel açılardan iç karışıklıkla zarar görmüştür. Kerkük’ün kuzey bölgesi, büyük petrol rezervlerine sahip olmasından dolayı, Irak’taki en ihtilaflı bölgelerden biri olmuştur. Diğer unsurların aleyhine olarak, güç dengesinin Kürtlerin tarafına kaydığı 2003 tarihinden bu yana bölge, Kürtler, Araplar ve Türkmenler arasında siyasi ve milliyetçi mücadelenin mecrası olmuştur. Birçok sebebin arasında, bu güç kayması, ülkede ve bölgedeki istikrarsızlığın ana sebeplerinden biri olmuştur. Kürtler petrol gelirlerine hükmetmeye devam ettikçe, ihtilaf sürecektir ve Türkiye ve İran gibi ülkelerin toprak bütünlüklerine bir tehdit oluşturması sebebiyle, bu önemli bölgesel güçleri de içine alacak bir şekilde, tüm bölgeyi alevlendirme potansiyelini taşımaktadır. Böylesine tehlikeli bir ihtilaftan kaçınmanın tek uygulanabilir çözümü ise, Kürtlerin ve Irak Hükümeti’nin farklılıklarını bir kenara koyup Irak’ın bütünlüğüne bağlı kalmaları ve Irak Anayasası’na saygı duymalarıdır. Bu tez çalışması, Kerkük üzerine odaklanarak, ülkedeki ihtilafların tarihini, sebeplerini, önemli oyuncularını, gelecekteki sonuçlarını anlatacak ve analiz edecek; Iraklıların ve bölgenin iyiliği için, ihtilafın çözülmesine ve Irak’ın istikrarlı, işleyen bir ülke olmasının sağlanmasına yönelik öneriler sunacaktır.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentUluslararası İlişkilertr_TR

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