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dc.contributor.advisorSarınç, Sevinç
dc.contributor.authorSeven Atmaca, Fatma
dc.description.abstractLung cancer is the most frequently diagnosed solid cancer worldwide, originating from the respiratory tract or lung parenchyma. Despite developing treatment modalities, investigation of factors related to disease prognosis and treatment response continues. Studies have shown that albumin-alkaline phosphatase ratio (AAPR), a new marker combining serum albumin and serum alkaline phosphatase, has an important prognostic value in various cancer types, especially hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of our study is to investigate the effects of AAPR on prognostic parameters in patients diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Adult patients followed up in our center with the diagnosis of NSCLC between January 2012 and May 2022 were included. Basic demographic and clinical data of the patients, laboratory results, radiological, histopathological and molecular-genetic findings of lung cancer and received treatments were retrospectively analyzed from the hospital electronic database. The predictive prognostic feature of AAPR for overall survival was analyzed by Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis. Factors affecting overall (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were investigated by multiple regression analysis. The mean age of 306 patients [219 (71.6%) men and 87 (28.4%) women] included in the study was 64.7±10.2 years, and the mean age at diagnosis was 61±10.3 years. ROC analysis showed that AAPR had significant predictive properties for overall survival (AUC: 0.622; 95% CI: 0.558-0.687; p<0.001). When the cut-off value is ≤0.44, the sensitivity of the test in predicting mortality is 60.6%; specificity 60.2%; positive predictive value of 75%; negative predictive value was found to be 43.7%. AAPR at initial diagnosis was low in 164 (53.6%) patients. The frequency of advanced cancer (p=0.003) and median serum CRP levels (p<0.001) were higher in patients with low AAPR than in normal patients. During a median follow-up of 2.98 (0.1-10) years, the 5-year OS rate was 36.2% (95% CI: 30.5-41.9), and the 5-year PFS rate was 22.2% (95% CI: 17.5-26.9). In univariate analysis, low AAPR was found to have a significant effect on OS (p<0.001) and PFS (p=0.002). In the multivariate Cox regression model which including having symptoms at the time of diagnosis and the central tumors, age at diagnosis ≥65 (HR: 1.409, %95GA: 1.047-1.895, p=0.024), male gender (HR: 1.405, %95 GA: 1.013-1.950, p=0.042), ECOG 2-3 (HR: 3.955, %95 GA: 1.565-9.994, p=0.004), AAPR ≤0.44 (HR: 1.374, %95GA: 1.023-1.847, p=0.035), clinical stage 3-4 disease (HR: 2.771, %95 GA: 1.844-4.164, p<0.001) and unresponsiveness to first-line treatment (HR: 3.614, %95 GA: 2.630-4.966, p<0.001) were seen as independent risk factors for OS. On the other hand, ECOG 2-3 (HR: 2.697, %95 GA: 1.068-6.811, p=0.036), clinical stage 3-4 disease (HR: 2.584, %95 GA: 1.813-3.682, p<0.001) and unresponsiveness to first-line treatment (HR: 5.181, %95 GA: 3.694-7,264, p<0.001) were independent predictors of PFS. In our study, it was shown that AAPR was independent risk factor for predicting overall survival in patients with NSCLC in univariate analysis. In this group, low AAPR can be seen due to low serum albumin associated with advanced cancer and increased inflammation and high ALP due to distant metastases. Keywords: Non-small cell lung cancer, albumin-alkaline phosphatase ratio, survival, progression free survivaltr_TR
dc.description.abstractLung cancer is the most frequently diagnosed solid cancer worldwide, originating from the respiratory tract or lung parenchyma. Despite developing treatment modalities, investigation of factors related to disease prognosis and treatment response continues. Studies have shown that albumin-alkaline phosphatase ratio (AAPR), a new marker combining serum albumin and serum alkaline phosphatase, has an important prognostic value in various cancer types, especially hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of our study is to investigate the effects of AAPR on prognostic parameters in patients diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Adult patients followed up in our center with the diagnosis of NSCLC between January 2012 and May 2022 were included. Basic demographic and clinical data of the patients, laboratory results, radiological, histopathological and molecular-genetic findings of lung cancer and received treatments were retrospectively analyzed from the hospital electronic database. The predictive prognostic feature of AAPR for overall survival was analyzed by Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analysis. Factors affecting overall (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were investigated by multiple regression analysis. The mean age of 306 patients [219 (71.6%) men and 87 (28.4%) women] included in the study was 64.7±10.2 years, and the mean age at diagnosis was 61±10.3 years. ROC analysis showed that AAPR had significant predictive properties for overall survival (AUC: 0.622; 95% CI: 0.558-0.687; p<0.001). When the cut-off value is ≤0.44, the sensitivity of the test in predicting mortality is 60.6%; specificity 60.2%; positive predictive value of 75%; negative predictive value was found to be 43.7%. AAPR at initial diagnosis was low in 164 (53.6%) patients. The frequency of advanced cancer (p=0.003) and median serum CRP levels (p<0.001) were higher in patients with low AAPR than in normal patients. During a median follow-up of 2.98 (0.1-10) years, the 5-year OS rate was 36.2% (95% CI: 30.5-41.9), and the 5-year PFS rate was 22.2% (95% CI: 17.5-26.9). In univariate analysis, low AAPR was found to have a significant effect on OS (p<0.001) and PFS (p=0.002). In the multivariate Cox regression model which including having symptoms at the time of diagnosis and the central tumors, age at diagnosis ≥65 (HR: 1.409, %95GA: 1.047-1.895, p=0.024), male gender (HR: 1.405, %95 GA: 1.013-1.950, p=0.042), ECOG 2-3 (HR: 3.955, %95 GA: 1.565-9.994, p=0.004), AAPR ≤0.44 (HR: 1.374, %95GA: 1.023-1.847, p=0.035), clinical stage 3-4 disease (HR: 2.771, %95 GA: 1.844-4.164, p<0.001) and unresponsiveness to first-line treatment (HR: 3.614, %95 GA: 2.630-4.966, p<0.001) were seen as independent risk factors for OS. On the other hand, ECOG 2-3 (HR: 2.697, %95 GA: 1.068-6.811, p=0.036), clinical stage 3-4 disease (HR: 2.584, %95 GA: 1.813-3.682, p<0.001) and unresponsiveness to first-line treatment (HR: 5.181, %95 GA: 3.694-7,264, p<0.001) were independent predictors of PFS. In our study, it was shown that AAPR was independent risk factor for predicting overall survival in patients with NSCLC in univariate analysis. In this group, low AAPR can be seen due to low serum albumin associated with advanced cancer and increased inflammation and high ALP due to distant metastases. Keywords: Non-small cell lung cancer, albumin-alkaline phosphatase ratio, survival, progression free survivaltr_TR
dc.publisherTıp Fakültesitr_TR
dc.subjectKüçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseritr_TR
dc.subjectalbümin-alkalin fosfataz oranı,tr_TR
dc.subjectsağ kalımtr_TR
dc.subjectprogresyonsuz sağ kalımtr_TR
dc.titleAlbumin-Alkalen Fosfataz Oranının (Aapr) Küçük Hücreli Dışı Akciğer Kanserinde Prognoza Etkisitr_TR
dc.description.ozetAkciğer kanseri solunum yollarından veya akciğer parankiminden kaynaklanan ve dünyada en sık teşhis edilen solid organ kanseridir. Gelişen tedavi modalitelerinin yanı sıra hastalık prognozu ve tedavi yanıtı ile ilişkili faktör arayışları devam etmektedir. Yapılan çalışmalarda serum albumini ve serum alkalen fosfatazını (ALP) birleştiren yeni bir belirteç olan albumin-alkalen fosfataz oranının (AAPR) hepatoselüler karsinom başta olmak üzere çeşitli kanser türlerinde önemli prognostik değere sahip olduğu gösterilmiştir. Çalışmamızın amacı, küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseri (KHDAK) tanılı hastalarda AAPR`nin prognostik parametreler üzerinde etkilerini araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya Ocak 2012- Mayıs 2022 tarihleri arasında merkezimizde KHDAK tanısı ile takip edilen erişkin hastalar dahil edildi. Hastalara ait temel demografik ve klinik veriler, laboratuvar sonuçları, akciğer kanserine ait radyolojik, histopatolojik ve moleküler-genetik bulgular ve uygulanan tedaviler hastane elektronik veritabanından retrospektif olarak incelendi. AAPR nin genel sağ kalımı öngördürücü prognostik özelliği Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) analizi ile incelendi. Genel (OS) ve progresyonsuz sağ kalıma (PFS) etki eden faktörler çoklu Cox regresyon analizi ile araştırıldı. Çalışmaya dahil edilen toplam 306 hastanın [219 (%71,6) erkek ve 87 (%28,4) kadın] yaş ortalaması 64,7±10, 2 yıl, ortalama tanı yaşı ise 61±10,3 yıl idi. ROC analizinde AAPR`nin genel sağ kalım için anlamlı prediktif özelliğe sahip olduğu gösterildi (EAA: 0,622; %95 GA:0,558-0,687; p<0,001). Cut-off değeri ≤0,44 alındığında testin mortaliteyi öngörmede duyarlılığı %60,6; özgüllüğü %60,2; pozitif prediktif değeri %75; negatif prediktif değeri ise %43,7 bulundu. Tanıdaki AAPR 164 (%53,6) hastada düşüktü. Düşük AAPR`ye sahip hastalarda normal olanlara göre ileri evre kanser oranı (p=0,003) ve ortanca CRP düzeyleri daha yüksekti (p<0,001). Ortanca 2,98 (0,1-10 yıl) yıllık takip süresinde 5 yıllık OS %36,2 (%95 GA: 30,5-41,9), 5 yıllık PFS ise %22,2 (%95 GA: 17,5-26,9) idi. Tanıda semptom varlığı ve santral tümör yerleşiminin (periferik yerleşime göre) de dahil edildiği çok değişkenli Cox regresyon modelinde ≥65 tanı yaşı (HR: 1,409, %95GA: 1,047-1,895, p=0,024), erkek cinsiyet (HR: 1,405, %95 GA: 1,013-1,950, p=0,042), ECOG 2-3 (0-1`e göre, HR: 3,955, %95 GA: 1,565-9,994, p=0,004), AAPR ≤0.44 (HR: 1,374, %95GA: 1,023-1,847, p=0,035), klinik evre 3-4 hastalık (HR: 2,771, %95 GA: 1,844-4,164, p<0,001) ve birinci basamak tedaviye yanıtsızlık (HR: 3,614, %95 GA: 2,630-4,966, p<0,001) genel sağ kalım için bağımsız risk faktörü olarak görüldü. Diğer yandan ECOG 2-3 (0-1`e göre, HR: 2,697, %95 GA: 1,068-6,811, p=0,036), klinik evre 3-4 hastalık (HR: 2,584, %95 GA: 1,813-3,682, p<0,001) ve birinci basamak tedaviye yanıtsızlığın (HR: 5,181, %95 GA: 3,694-7,264, p<0,001) progresyonsuz sağ kalım için bağımsız prediktörler olduğu ortaya konuldu. Çalışmamızda çok değişkenli analizde KHDAK tanılı hastalarda AAPR`nin genel sağ kalımı öngörmede bağımsız risk faktörü olduğu gösterildi. Bu grupta düşük AAPR; ileri evre kanser ve artmış inflamasyon ilişkili serum albumin düşüklüğü ve uzak organ metastazlarına bağlı ALP yüksekliği nedeniyle meydana gelebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Küçük hücreli dışı akciğer kanseri, albümin-alkalin fosfataz oranı, sağ kalım, progresyonsuz sağ kalım.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentGöğüs Hastalıklarıtr_TR
dc.embargo.termsAcik erisimtr_TR

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