Engelli Olan Çocukların Engelli Olmayan Kardeşleriyle İlişkileri Üzerine Sosyolojik Bir İnceleme
Kardeşlik ilişkilerini engelli ve engelli olmayan kardeşlerin gözünden incelemeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada engelli olmanın aile ortamında kardeşlik ilişkisi üzerinde oynadığı rol hem engelli çocuklar hem de engelli olmayan kardeşlerinin bakış açısıyla betimlenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında kardeşlik ilişkileri engellilik, engelli birey, kendini/ kardeşini engelli bir birey olarak nasıl tanımladığı; kardeşlik ilişkisinde üstlenilen görev ve sorumluluklar; kardeşlik ilişkisinin değerlendirme biçimleri ve engel durumunun kardeşlik ilişkisi üzerinde yarattığı değişimler çerçevesinde araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada engelli ve engelli olmayan kardeşlerin anlam dünyaları resmedilmek amaçlandığından nitel araştırma deseni kullanılmıştır. Çalışma bedensel, görme ve işitme engel türlerinden bir ya da birkaçına sahip engelli çocuklar (15-18 yaş grubu) ve onların birlikte yaşadıkları engelli olmayan kardeşleri (11-27 yaş aralığındaki) ile yürütülmüştür. Bu kapsamda bedensel, görme ve işitme engelli 4’er çocuk ve onların kardeşlerine ulaşılarak toplamda 24 kişi ile derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yüz yüze yapılan görüşmelerde veriler yarı yapılandırılmış soru formları kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Ulaşılan veriler sosyal inşa yaklaşımı ve aile sistem teorisi çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilen tematik analiz ile değerlendirilmiştir. Ulaşılan temalar kapsamında engellilik ve engelli birey tanımlamalarınki engelliliği açıklayan tıbbi modelin hakimiyeti dikkat çekerken engelli kardeşle ilgili tanımlamalarda sosyal model bakış açısının ortaya çıktığı görülmüştür. Kardeşlerin üstlendikleri görev ve sorumluluklara bakıldığında ise engelli olmayan kardeşlerin hem engelli kardeşlerine yardım etmek hem de evdeki işler için ailesine yardım etmek anlamında fazlaca sorumluluğu olduğu dikkati çekmiştir. Diğer taraftan kardeşlerin ilişkilerini değerlendirirken çatışmalar, kavgalar, uyum, yardımlaşma ve destek gibi hem olumlu hem de olumsuz yorumları olduğu aktarılmıştır. Son olarak da engelli olmama veya engel derecesinin daha düşük olmasının kardeşlik ilişkilerine nasıl yansıdığı üzerinde durulmuştur. Engelli kardeşlerin yeti/işlev kaybına bağlı kısıtlamalar üzerinden değerlendirme yaparken engelli olmayan kardeşlerin hayatlarında yaşanacak değişimleri vurgulamaları dikkat çekmiştir. In this study, which aims to examine sibling relationships from the eyes of disabled and non-disabled siblings, the role of disability on the sibling relationship is described. Within the scope of the study, sibling relations, disability, how the disabled individual defines themselves/their sibling as a disabled individual; Duties and responsibilities undertaken in the brotherhood relationship; It was researched within the framework of the evaluation styles of the sibling relationship and the changes that disability creates on the sibling relationship. Qualitative research design was used in the study. The study was conducted with 4 disabled children (15-18 age group) who had one or more of the physical, visual and hearing impairment types and their non-disabled siblings (11-27 age group) with whom they lived. In this context, 12 disabled children and their siblings were reached and in-depth interviews were held with a total of 24 people. Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaires during face-to-face interviews. The data obtained were evaluated with thematic analysis carried out within the framework of social construction approach and family system theory. While the dominance of the medical model in the definitions of disability and disabled individuals within the scope of the themes reached was remarkable, it was observed that the social model perspective emerged in the definitions of the disabled sibling. When we look at the duties and responsibilities undertaken by siblings, non-disabled siblings have more responsibilities in terms of both helping their disabled siblings and helping their families with the work at home. On the other hand, it has been reported that siblings have both positive and negative comments when evaluating their relationships. Finally, it was focused on how not having a disability or having a lower degree of disability reflects on sibling relationships. It was noteworthy that while disabled siblings made evaluations based on limitations due to loss of ability/function, non-disabled siblings emphasized the changes that would occur in their lives. In this study, which aims to examine sibling relationships from the eyes of disabled and non-disabled siblings, the role of disability on the sibling relationship is described. Within the scope of the study, sibling relations, disability, how the disabled individual defines themselves/their sibling as a disabled individual; Duties and responsibilities undertaken in the brotherhood relationship; It was researched within the framework of the evaluation styles of the sibling relationship and the changes that disability creates on the sibling relationship. Qualitative research design was used in the study. The study was conducted with 4 disabled children (15-18 age group) who had one or more of the physical, visual and hearing impairment types and their non-disabled siblings (11-27 age group) with whom they lived. In this context, 12 disabled children and their siblings were reached and in-depth interviews were held with a total of 24 people. Data were collected using semi-structured questionnaires during face-to-face interviews. The data obtained were evaluated with thematic analysis carried out within the framework of social construction approach and family system theory. While the dominance of the medical model in the definitions of disability and disabled individuals within the scope of the themes reached was remarkable, it was observed that the social model perspective emerged in the definitions of the disabled sibling. When we look at the duties and responsibilities undertaken by siblings, non-disabled siblings have more responsibilities in terms of both helping their disabled siblings and helping their families with the work at home. On the other hand, it has been reported that siblings have both positive and negative comments when evaluating their relationships. Finally, it was focused on how not having a disability or having a lower degree of disability reflects on sibling relationships. It was noteworthy that while disabled siblings made evaluations based on limitations due to loss of ability/function, non-disabled siblings emphasized the changes that would occur in their lives