In this study, firm life cycle theory derivated from life cycle concept in marketing and economics literature examined. Firm life cycle is a theory of companies due to their own internal and external factors which revealed that takes place in stages and is used
frequently in recent years. In the study, 153 non – financial firms that operate in Istanbul Stock Exchange between the years 2006 – 2014 and 1353 firm – year observation is used. Anthony and Ramesh (1992) and Yonpae and Chen (2006) studies are based as firm life cycle classification methods in order to conduct the analysis. Firstly, how various financial indicators of companies change in different life cycle stages and what pattern they exhibit are examined in detail. Afterwards, Anthony and Ramesh (1992) model is used for assessing value relevance between stock returns and unexpected positive capital expenditure and sales growth in different life cycle stages. According to the results of the study, it is found that stock market response to two accounting performance measures, capital expenditure and sales growth is a function of firm life cycle stages. In addition, how industries influenced with the firm life cycle stages is also among the research topics.
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