The aim of this study is to examine the historical roots, development and current state of Pop Surrealism and to carry out Pop Surrealist practice studies based on the importance of art in health. It is aimed to create applications for children between the ages of 7-11, who live in Ankara and apply to Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Pedodontics for any reason. In this way, the creation of positive distraction sources for children, the creation of children's culture of art by bringing together with the work of art can be supported. In the first part of the thesis, a conceptual research is presented in order to understand illustration and Pop Surrealism in the context of art and design. The definition of illustration, the relationship between graphic design and painting, its use in children's materials, and the historical roots (Dada, surrealism, pop art) of pop surrealism, an art movement, have been put forward. In the second part of the thesis, the meaining and emergence of Lowbrow Art, popular cultural elements used by this art movement, narrative methods, techniques and examples of artists are mentioned. A large-scale research on Pop Surrealism has been presented. The third part of the thesis is based on the relationship between art and health. The health history of art and the effect of visual arts on the patient were revealed, and domestic and foreign hospital examples of art environments were examined. In the fourth part, which is the last part of the thesis, the applications carried out for Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry Pedodontics Department are evaluated. The conceptual part of the research was carried out with content analysis. In the evaluation of applications, interview and observation data collection methods were analyzed by using the methods. Data were obtained on the practices in Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Pedodontics and the views of children on such practices at the next stage. In the conclusion part, the potential of the applications to attract children's attention was evaluated and the relations that needed to be developed in the field of art and medicine were analyzed.
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