Gaziantep'teki Suriyeli Sığınmacılar Üzerinden Güvenlik Politikası ve Neoliberalizm Eleştirisi
This thesis aims to critically examine the relationship betweeen the Syrian issue and neoliberalism. In this context, the impact of the Syrian civil war on Syrian and Turkish people, as well as migration will be examined. To demonstrate this with Syrian and Turkish people have been conducted in Gaziantep. The first chapter of the thesis examines how neoliberalism’s sublime concept, security, is used as a form of government upon the Syrian people. The second chapter focuses on the Syrian refugees in Gaziantep, and their life conditions, thereby examining their interaction with Turkish people and social and economic problems in Turkish society. In the third chapter, the relationship between Turkish people and Syrian people will be examined in the context of everyday life, showing why they are treated culturally, economically and socially negative. The last part deals with the concept of security and its impact over the Syrian and Turkish people.