Şeyhülislam Ebussuûd Efendi Fetvaları Işığında Klasik Dönem Osmanlı Hukukunda Zımmîlik Statüsü
In Ottoman Empire, which was a cosmopolitan Islamic state, the status of Dhimmi and
the treatment against them are investigated through various documents. Fetvas, one of
the most important sources of Ottoman law system, are important samples of these
documents giving clues concerning the status of dhimmis. In this study, fetvas of
Ebussuûd the Shayk al-Islam who performed at the most successful time of Ottoman
Empire, are analyzed by considering the fairness against dhimmis and the opportunities
provided them with Islamic law. In this respect, firstly status of dhimmis is analyzed in
Islamic Law, then in Ottoman law system in classical period and in Kanunnâmes;
secondly fatvas are construed in terms of social life, economic life and civil law.