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Painting meant transfering the natural which has tree dimension into two-dimensional surface as a three dimensional. Actually, the painter's aim was to confront viewer with the real world. Instead of considering toile covered by colors as a work of art, viwers used to consider a person, a thing or a real natural as a view. Both Picasso and Braque solved the third dimension problem by using diagonal lines to provide sense of depth and curved lines to show mass of object. At this point, logic and idea power became a part of an activity and objects were described easily in that way.
This feature framed cubizm as part of culture and logic and refered to a new relation which started in art.
Land Art was shaped as a new current by 1960s during the searching of a new of form, content and hypothesis of the art. Artist set off on a quest for finding his personality that he tried to obtain for his inner world.
The Art is the common problem of humanity. Everyone gets in contact with an art. some creates art and some only becomes the object of art. Many people described art as a mass medium and made an effort to make the art comprehensible in large mass. Some others in consideration of "art for art's sake" described the art only as a pleasure object by keeping it away from any custom and tradition and ideology. In this study, besides its being pleasure object, art's utilization was adopted as a mass medium among people; a new searching of nature among objects and searching compositions were built on a solid ground. Works were created without ignoring art's bacis concepts like tissue, stain, color, form.
Transforming object of nature into object of art has been among the aims of this thesis. Another one is to reflect the inner feelings of artist to the works created withing the concept of the thesis.