İdame Tedavisi Alan Akut Lenfoblastik Lösemi Tanılı Çocuklarda Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyinin Yaşam Kalitesi ve Aile Kaygı Düzeyi ile İlişkisinin Belirlenmesi ve Aktivite Memnuniyet Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması
In this
study, we aimed to determine the relationship between parameters such as physical
activity levels, quality of life, anxiety levels of caregivers in children diagnosed with
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) who continue to receive maintenance therapy;
It was aimed to compare the activity satisfaction and performance levels of the
children and the satisfaction and performance level of the family on these activities.
Twenty-six individuals, 13 of whom were children and 13 parents, were included in
our study. While children are evaluated in terms of physical activity (CEKFY-EAA),
quality of life (PedsQL), and activity satisfaction and performance level (COPM);
parents were evaluated in terms of anxiety level (BAI), children's exercise limitations,
and their views on activity satisfaction and performance While there was a
statistically weak negative correlation between parental anxiety level and quality of
life (r=0.461, p=0.113), a weak negative correlation was found between children's
physical activity level and family anxiety level (r=0.244, p=0.422). In addition, a weak
positive correlation was found between the level of physical activity and quality of
life in children with ALL who received maintenance therapy (r=0.331, p=0.269). It was
determined that the decrease in the anxiety level of the parents was related to the
increase in the children's orientation to physical activity, and the increase in the
performance and satisfaction levels of the children in the activities brought about an
increase in their quality of life. In this area, the importance of the physical activity
and rehabilitation program that the evaluations of physiotherapists will create with
the aim of meeting the needs of the child and family should be emphasized.