Ebeveynlerin Çocuklarına Rutin Çocukluk Çağı Aşılarını Yaptırma Durumları ile Covid-19 Aşılarına Karşı Olan Tutumları Arası İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi
Covid-19 infection has affected the whole world since the date of the declaration of pandemic (11 March 2020). Various treatment methods and vaccine studies have been carried out to cope with the pandemic. The aim of vaccination studies is to reach the largest segment of the population. On the other hand, the anti-vaccine movement, which started in the early 1840s, has reached the present day by increasing unhindered. Since the anti-vaccination has gained a new dimension with the Covid-19 pandemic, this study aimed to compare the attitudes and behaviors of parents who are anti-vaccine/vaccine hesitant against routine childhood vaccines and parents who have had all childhood vaccinations against Covid-19 vaccines. In our study, between 15 January 2022 and 31 May 2022, 65 parents who have children between the age of 0-13 and with no vaccination for last 5 years who registered Gulveren Family Health Center, Ahmet Sefik Kolayli Family Health Center, Mamak Turkozu Family Health Center and Ummugulsum Gucluoglu Family Health Center and 152 parents who have children between the age of 0-13 years and fully-vaccinated for last 5 years who registered to the same family health centers have incorporated into this study and called by family physicians via telephone. A questionnaire form consisted of 26 questions and 2 scales has applied to the participants. When the status of getting one of the Covid-19 vaccines was compared, it was seen that 36.9% (n=24) of the study group and 86.8% (n=132) of the control group had any vaccination. The difference between these two groups was statistically significant (p<0.001). According to the converted PACV score calculated on the parents' attitudes towards childhood vaccinations (PACV) scale, 92.3% (n=60) of the study group and 6.6% (n=10) of the control group had hesitations about vaccination and parents who were not hesitant about childhood vaccines showed more positive attitudes and less negative attitudes towards Covid-19 vaccines in both the study and control groups. As a result, a significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of hesitation against both routine childhood vaccines and Covid-19 vaccines. Although the organization of vaccination campaigns during the pandemic process increased the awareness of the vaccine, the rapidity of the release of Covid-19 vaccines to the market has increased the hesitancy of the vaccine. It is very important that all physicians and healthcare professionals, especially primary care physicians, keep their knowledge of vaccination high and use it to inform the society.