Metinlerarasılık Bağlamında Eskatoloji Mitleri ve Dini Literatürde Kıyamet Tasvirleri
Mythological narratives and religious stories have been important position to all civilizations of the earth. Myth and religion, which are formed from the spiritual needs of human communities, have been considered sacred by many societies and have explained the essence of the sacred. How the universe, earth and beings came into existence and how the extinction of beings will occur constitute an important area of religious narratives and myths. Myths and religions have not only answered the question of how the universe came into being, but also shed light on many issues that people do not know. One of the unanswered issues is what will be the end of humans and the universe. Religion gives clear answers to this issue. Just like religion, the type of mythology called eschatology answers the question of how the universe and people will end. At this point, many of the eschatological narratives are seen in harmony with religious narratives. The subject of our thesis is to determine the intersections of religious narratives and eschatological narratives. In all civilizations that have lived and now living on earth, mythology and beliefs related to eschatology in particular have an important area of influence among all other beliefs. Myths, which are considered sacred for all living cultures, emerged after the general needs of human societies. Mythological and especially eschatological beliefs and narratives have an important impact on almost all civilizations of the world at least as much as other beliefs. Although it is considered a dogmatic belief system when it comes to religious traditions; in this study, we will have the opportunity to examine in detail the similarities and differences between myths and especially eschatology myths and religious narratives. Thus, it will be possible to gain a different perspective on human history. Perhaps it will be possible to go back to the origins of mythical narratives and religion. The intersection points of religion and mythology can also be determined.