Altın Yığın Liçi Projesinde Farklı Kırma Boylarının Verimlilik ve Geçirimlilik Performansının İncelenmesi
Heap Leach is a process which consisted of stacking the ore on the imperable surface and wetting by the solution. It can be applied with crushed ore and run of mine ore which is called dump leaching. In the common leaching method, ore is crushed to the targetted size and stacked on the imperable surface such as plastic, jeotexile etc. Solution is applied by drip emitters. During the percolating of solution to the bottom, soluable metals can be tranferred the aqueous form. Solution is collected by collector pipes and sent to pond. Then pregnant solution is sent to process facility. There is no grinding costs in heap leaching so operating cost can be lower. Four tests was executed for investigate effects of different crush size on heap leach recovery and heap permeability.