Bir Vermikülitin Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Isıl Özellikleri Üzerine Sülfürik Asit Liçinin Etkileri
In this study, initially, a commercial vermiculite sample, in natural and heated forms, was identified using different experimental methods and it was found that the natural sample contained dominantly mixed-layer mica-vermiculite and vermiculite phases and the heated sample formed from mica-like dehydrated layers due to the applied heating process at 900°C. Then, the natural and the heated samples were leached for 60 minutes in aqueous sulphuric acid solutions having concentrations of 1, 2, 4, 8 N and temperatures of 20°C and 90°C, and the changes occurred in the physical, chemical and thermal properties of the samples after leaching were determined by XRD, FT-IR, TG DTA, chemical analyses and surface area measurements.XRD analyses showed that the structures of vermiculite and mixed-layer mica-vermiculite in the natural sample were destroyed completely following by leaching at 90°C in 2 N and 4 N H2SO4 solutions, respectively.