Kuvaterner Gölcük (İsparta) Volkanizmasına Ait Hidrovolkanik Çökellerdeki Magmatik Ksenolitlerin Petrolojik İncelemesi
Quaternary, potassic ultra-potassic volcanism associated with Gölcük caldera is represented by mainly effusive (tephriphonolites), extrusive (intra-caldera lava domes) and explosive (trachytic, trachy-andesitic ignimbrites and phreatomagmatics) deposits. Hydrovolcanism which followed the caldera collapse, formed three pumice air-fall and base surge levels which are enriched with plutonic/sub-volcanic xenoliths. On macro scale, plutonic/sub-volcanic xenoliths which are identified as ultramafic, mafic and felsic, were divided into five sub groups as pyroxenites, garnet pyroxenites, diorites, monzonites and syenites according to their modal mineralogy. These five sub-groups were examined together with other products of the volcanism.