Polikristalin Bakır Folyo Üzerinde Büyütülmüş Grafenin Elektriksel Karakterizasyonu
In the first stage of this study, the operational parameters of the transfer process optimized for transferring the graphene films which were grown on copper foils to the insulator Si SiO2 substrate. The most effective parameter on graphene film s mobility is not to degrade of graphene films while transfer process. Because of this reason, an ideal transfer process must be improved not only for providing the cleanliness (i.e., with no contamination) but also the continuity (i.e., without folds, cracks, or holes) of the films on the Si SiO2 substrate.After optimizing the transfer process of graphene films, in order to understand the influence of the synthesis conditions on the mobility, various samples were prepared different synthesis conditions. In this study, CH4 flow and exposure time were systematically changed for 5 x 5 mm2 graphene film samples to get the sample with a highest mobility. The measured highest mobility is 1275 (cm 2)⁄(V.s).