Resimde Entropi Estetiği
In this thesis, in which the reflections of the aesthetic expression of the concept of entropy in painting is investigated, the acceleration of entropy, which prepares the ground for the deterioration and destruction of nature, forms the basis of the study. By revealing the importance of the effects that accelerate entropy with an artistic language, it is aimed to ensure the development of my personal language of expression and to gain attention to nature again. For this goal, the visual meaning of the expression was investigated in terms of destruction in nature, and the works of art and the studies carried out within the scope of the thesis were applied by researching the artistic dimension of entropy.
The content of the studies carried out within the scope of this thesis is limited to the entropic relationship of nature, which is deteriorated by human influence and natural causes. It is aimed to depict the deteriorated environments artistically and to emphasize the destructiveness by acting as a witness. The loneliness of the whole, which has been torn from its place and disintegrated, has been dealt with mainly by tree roots in the studies.
Studies carried out within the scope of the thesis; works created in response to the systematic destruction created in the inhabited area. In these works, the moments when tree branches, roots and bushes are cut and thrown in a heap alone and on top of each other are brought to the fore. The entropic situation that occurs in the case of being stacked / compressed is also in the focus of the works. In a world where the disorder in the order is constantly increasing and dragged into chaos and complexity, the equivalent of the concept of entropy in nature has been questioned and aesthetic value has been examined in art. The entropy discussed in this thesis studies, the tree roots remaining from the felled tree are considered as the representation of corruption as an artistic image. In this thesis, the abstract concept of entropy is revealed with concrete object images.