Tek Partiden Çok Partili Hayata Geçiş Sürecinde CHP ve Halkevlerinin Gayrimenkulleri (1925-1953)
In this study, mainly the real estates used by the Republican People's Party between 1925-1953 are discussed. The number and types of these real estates in the provinces, how they are used, how they are acquired and how they are lost are examined. In this way, it has been tried to determine how the CHP evaluates the real estate in its hands and how it manages this wealth. A significant part of the real estate of the Republican People's Party consists of abandoned properties. How the derelict property was transferred to CHP and how this derelict property was used will be examined. The process of dispossession of the CHP, which started in the years of 1951 and 1953, which started under the Democrat Party after 1950, took place gradually, with reference to the parliamentary discussions and the national press.