Innovations in information and communication technologies have not only affected economic and social life, but also led to significant changes in the way public services are presented. With the development of technology, internet websites, which have an important place in daily life, have played a critical role in the delivery of public services. Many public services have started to be offered over the internet websites of public institutions and organizations, thus it is aimed to both reduce time and cost and improve the quality of the service provided. At this point, the websites of the ministries of the Republic of Turkey, one of the main centers of citizen-state interaction, have also become an important tool in terms of providing some public services in electronic environment.
Evaluating the value and quality of the public service provided both electronically and face-to-face is an important issue that has been studied for a long time in the field of public administration. The concept of Public Value, which emerged as a recipe that offers alternative solutions to the deficiencies and problems that the New Public Management approach cannot compensate for in the field of administration, contributes to the evaluation of the value and quality of the public service by offering various suggestions and methods on how to produce value in public service delivery and how to evaluate the produced value. The phenomenon of public value came to the fore with the book titled “Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government” written by Mark H. Moore in 1995 and quickly gained popularity among academics and public administrators. However, more work is needed to measure and a clear definition of the concept of public value. In this direction, this study has been prepared in order to eliminate these deficiencies. In this study, the conceptual and theoretical framework of the phenomenon of public value is clearly discussed, and a proposal is presented on how to measure public value by developing a model for the measurement of public value. The websites of the ministries of the Republic of Turkey have been analyzed and evaluated in detail with web evaluation metrics and public values criteria, and it is aimed to contribute to the increase of the public value of the ministries’ websites by making the necessary suggestions in this regard.
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