Bir Aşk Söyleminden Parçalar Işığında Türk Romanına Bakış (1872-1950)
The studies on discourse, which have been started since the 1960s, have been one of the turning points in the field of linguistics. Since the second half of the 20th century, linguists have not only dealt with the language in terms of sentences, but also made researches and studies on the context. Love has been interpreted in different ways in every period. There are different approaches and views on love, which is handled by many disciplines. In addition to this, love has always been one of the most interesting subjects in all artistic fields. Although both scientists and artists do not have a common discourse about love, there are commonalities in the lover’s discourse itself. Roland Barthes, one of the most important names in the field of discourse, dealt love with discourse in his Fragments d'un discours amoureux (A Lover’s Discourse Fragments) published in 1977. Barthes shows the loneliness of lover’s discourse as the necessity of his work. The starting principle in his work is that the lover should not be seen as a simple declarative subject. In this work, Barthes; he identified eighty figures as to be engulfed, absence, adorable, affirmation, alteration, anxiety, annulment, askesis, atopos, waiting, to hide, pigeonholed, catastrophe, to circumscribe, heart, fulfillment, compassion, to understand, behavior, connivance, contacts, contingencies, body, declaration, demons, dependency, expenditure, disreality, drama, flayed, to write, errantry, embrace, exile, irksome, fade-out, faults, festivity, mad, embarrassment, gradiva, habiliment, identification, image, unknowable, induction, informer, unbearable, outcomes, jealousy, i-love-you, languor, letter, loquela, magic, monstrous, silence, clouds, night, objects, obscene, crying, gossip, why, ravishment, regretted, encounter, reverberation, waking, scene, alone, signs, remembrance, suicide, thus,tenderness, union, truth, will-to-possess, and gave examples of these figures from his readings, friendly conversations and his own life. Benefiting from his persistent and random readings, Barthes also showed that literary works can be handled with the lover’s discourse. In this study, the existence of the lover’s discourse in the Turkish novel was tried to be shown by giving examples from the Turkish novel, which was published in the period of eighty verses, by following the path followed by Barthes.