Bir Üniversite Hastanesinde Hemşirelik Hizmeti Verenlerin Psikososyal Risklerinin Kopenhag Psikososyal Risk Değerlendirme Ölçeği ile İncelenmesi ve Mental İyilik Durumu ile İlişkisi
Birdane G., Assessment of psychosocial risk factors of employees of nursing in a university hospital with the Copenhagen Psychosocial Ouestionnaire and the association between mental wellbeing status Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Phd Thesis of Occupational Health Program, Ankara, 2022. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate associations among the work life characteristics of employees of nursing, their exposure to work related psychosocial risk factors and mental wellbeing status between the dates of March-May 2019. The data of this cross-sectional study was based on the self-reported survey forms of the research group consisting of 434 nurses working at a foundation university hospital in Ankara (availability %96,4). Sociodemographic characteristics of the employee, the variables of the working life characteristics were assessed using the questionnaires created by the researcher, the psychosocial risks were assessed using COPSOQ-TR and the mental wellbeing were assessed using the GSA-12 scales. Data analysis was performed by using statistical software program on computer, after COPSOQ-TR reliability and confirmatory factor analysis was evaluated for this group, the research variable associations were evaluated by univariate, stratified and multivariate models. The most frequently reported psychosocial risks are lack of social support from colleagues (%60,1), lack of social support from supervisor (%59,0) and role conflicts (%52,8). When the median value was used as the cut-off point for the mental wellbeing, it was determined that the mental wellbeing of %43,1 of the employees was worse than the median value and %56,9 of them were better than the median value. As the mental wellbeing status of the nurses are compared according to the work related psychosocial factors, it was established that the employees with higher cognitive demands, quantitative demands, emotional demands, demands for hiding emotions, work family conflict, role conflicts, insecurity over working conditions, job satisfaction and burnout had GSA score above the median value (worse mental wellbeing). Considering the psychosocial risk dimensions found to be associated with mental wellbeing status and their associations, it can provide casuality and prevention bases for the follow up studies. COPSOQ can be used as a monitoring tool in workplaces.