Haẕa Kitābu İskender-Nāme [90r - 135v] (İnceleme-Metindizin) / The Book Of İskendername [90r - 135v] (Analysistext-Index)
As a common masnavi subject in Islamic Literature Iskender-names also have an important place in Turkish Literature. The manuscript is an Iskender-name named “Haẕa Kitābu İskender-Nāme” registered at number 145 in the Turkish Manuscripts section of the Vatican Library. The 90r and 135v foils of the manuscript in constitute the study subject of this thesis. During this study, it was determined that the author of the verse sections was Hamzavî. Although the date of writing the manuscript is not certain, its author Hamzavî lived in XIV - XV centuries and his manuscript shows XV century language features. For this reason, it is thought that the manuscript belongs to the XV century.
This study consists of "Introduction", "Language Analysis: Word Formation ", "Transcribed Text" and "Index" sections. After the 'Introduction' that introduces manuscript, there is the first chapter in which Hamzavi life and works are discussed. Also, another subject discussed in the first chapter is İskendernames. In the "Language Analysis: Word Formation" section, word structure in Old Anatolian Turkish was examined based on the manuscript . In the third chapter which includes the "Transcription Text", the Arabic letter text has been transferred to the Turkish Transcription Alphabet. The "Conclusion" and "Bibliography" are presented at the end of the thesis. Then, the words and proper names used in the thesis are sorted analyticall index.