Denetimli Serbestlik Uzmanlarının Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri
This research is designed to analyse burnout levels of probation officers who work at probation offices. This study was made with 132 probation officers who were selected from 21 cities and from each geographical region three cities are selected. Study was made by using descriptive model. Data for the study was obtained from two scales, the Maslach Burnout Inventory and questionnaire. According to the results there is a significant difference between proffession and probation officers burnout level. It was concluded that social workers burnout level is higher than psychologists, sociologists and teachers.Findings from the study indicate that there is a sinificant difference between probation officers burnout level and the avarage number of reports that were written by probation officers in a day. Probation officers who don t do group work also have higher burnout levels than probation officers who do group work.