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dc.description.abstract | Physiological problems, which are quite common in pianists, have both physical and mental
causes. These physiological problems affect the professional life of pianists negatively. In
the first part of the study, the basic principles of the Alexander Technique, which aims to
teach physically and mentally healthy behaviors by preventing the wrong movements that
are performed unconsciously and cause problems, are revealed in a way that especially
pianists can benefit from. In the second part, the movements used in the piano technique are
presented in detail, and the Taubman Approach, which takes the principle of protecting
physical health while playing the piano and revealing musical expression with technical
skills, has been analyzed. The common point of the aforementioned techniques, the question
of what kind of applications can eliminate the physiological barriers, has brought these two
methods together. In this study, considering the functioning of the body in both daily life and professional
activities, it is aimed for pianists to explore their bodies holistically, by means of the use of
body parts used while playing the piano, especially fingers, hands, and arms, in accordance
with the requirements of physiology and instrument and music. Considering the subject in
the study not only in terms of instrument technique but also regarding the function of the
whole body increases the importance of the research. The research has been put forward with the descriptive research method as a result of benefiting from written and audio-visual sources about the mentioned techniques. In the study, besides visually giving place to the movements suggested in the Taubman Approach, how the movements should be realized on the selected piano works is also presented with musical examples. | tr_TR |