Turgay Erdener'in Gitar Müziğine Katkıları

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Dursun, Kaan
Ambargo Süresi
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In this study, Turgay Erdener’s pieces and the stories of the pieces sketches that he wrote for
the guitar, their first performance, recording, editions and interview with him for the
development of guitar music were examined.
In the "Introduction" section, the historical development of classical guitar, classical guitar
types and the development of classical guitar in Turkey will be explained. In the first section
the life of Turgay Erdener and Turgay Erdener’s contribution to guitar music will be
explained and the problem situation will be discussed. In the "Method" section, information
about the research model, universe and sample, how the data are collected and they are
analyzed will be given. Findings and comments about them will be included in the “Findings
and Comments” section. In the "Results and Recommendations" section, the conclusions
reached in line with the findings and suggestions that are thought to contribute to students,
composers and guitarists will be included.