Yeni Toplumsal Hareketler Bağlamında Gezi Parkı Olayları’nın Alternatif Medya ve Ana Akım Medyada Sunulma Biçimlerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
New social movements have an interdependent relationship with the media. In this study, the position of mainstream and alternative media as a means of reflecting social movements and news tools are analyzed at the level of news content through the case of the Gezi Park Protests in Turkey. The study, which seeks the answer to how the media in Turkey conveys social movements, aims to analyze the position of mainstream and alternative media and to reveal the differences between them with a comparative approach. Within the scope of the study, it is analyzed how five news sites broadcasting on the internet in Turkey interpret the Gezi Park Protests, how they framed the news, which discursive practices they resorted in creating public opinion, and how they were positioned ideologically in the news they published. First of all, the theoretical/conceptual background of social movements, framing, alternative media and mainstream media is presented; news published by five news sites between 28 May 2013 and 28 June 2013; are subjected to comparative analysis through frame analysis, correspondence analysis and text mining methods. The study contributes to the literature on new social movements and media studies, which have an important function in the social and political field.
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