The concepts of death and body have been two important concepts in art history. These two concepts are dealt with separately and have been emphasized many times as a whole. The body has been used to function as an art material and many times as a source of expression. By referring to these uses, searches have been made regarding the location of the dead body. One of the main issues of the subject, the expression of naturalness, was also sought through the dead body, focusing on the natural process of the dead body.
While creating the scope of the thesis, the expressions of the dead body became a subject of curiosity. Within the scope, the relationship of body form with death was emphasized. While forming the basis of the text, arguments have been created based on the thoughts of thinkers such as Sartre, Steven Derek, Schopenhauer and Jankelevitch on death and body. Application studies supported by visual and literary examples were created through the ways of using the body, and the image of the dead body. In the studies, the body form has shown changes with specific ways of thinking and entered a process. Subsequently, the natural process of the dead body was discussed and thoughts were formed on the unification of the body with nature. Artistic works have been created and evolved based on this idea.
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