Afet Tabanlı Kriz Yönetimi: Marmara ve Ege Bölgeleri'nde Bulunan Rafineri ve Petrokimya Endüstrisi İşletmeleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma
In today s world, where the competition conditions are getting harder and thedynamic environment are changing even more rapidly than before, businessesneed to improve themselves to suit that kind of environment and defend theircompetitive advantages. Being ready for crisis is a capital stock for businessesto survive.Disasters have a fatal effect on not only human life and natural resources butalso economic facilities and assets of businesses. However they have alsodestructive impact on economic life and businesses that produce goods,services and ideas. From the point of these two sentences the importance ofthe disaster based crisis management was realised and decided to be thesubject of the study. Crisis management especially caused by disasters wasanalysed deeply in this study.