Ulusal Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikalarında Bilgi Yönetimine Yaklaşım: Türkiye için Bir Strateji ve Eylem Planı Model Önerisi
In this study, information management is defined as obtaining information, organizing it with scientific and technical methods, and presenting it. It is discussed in the context of information policy consisting of “information resources, information services, information systems, and information infrastructure” components. This study was carried out to reveal the approach and perspective of information management in national science and technology policies created in the Republican era in the context of history. It also aims to offer a strategy development and implementation model proposal and information management strategy and action plan proposal for the necessary approach in this regard.
In this study, 218 documents created by the institutions and organizations that determine Turkey's national science and technology policy, examined using a content analysis technique. These documents produced between 1923 and 2020 are directly or indirectly related to science and technology policies. In this context, data on information management components were obtained from the documents consisting of legislation, plans, programs, strategy documents, and government programs. With the evaluation of these data, the below questions are answered, and the approach to information management has been revealed in national science-technology policies. Within the framework of what subjects were information management considered predominantly in national science-technology policies?
• What are the general features of information management, and how is it perceived in national science-technology policies?
• How are the development and change processes of the information management components?
• What are the main shortcomings in policy areas related to information management?
• Which policy areas have been associated with information management sub-processes?
The findings show that Turkey does not have a robust national policy, strategies, action plans, and the system supporting the use of information as a tool in scientific, technological, economic, and social development and providing information management functions. The findings also show national information management policy issues are not handled holistically. National information management policy issues are piecemeal forms and associated with different policy areas in national science-technology policy documents produced between 1923-2020. Hence, the main and sub-hypothesis of the research have been proven. The study's main hypothesis is that "information management was not seen as a holistic, strategic and national policy area in the national science and technology policies of the Republican era." The research's sub-hypothesis is that "information management was not seen as an organic and necessary element of the Republican period national science and technology policies, did not show a continuous and consistent quality."
As a result, for effective information management in Turkey, It was found that there was a need for a national information management policy preparing the suitable ground for acquisition, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information. Recommendations for the “information management development and implementation model in the context of national science and technology policies” and “information management strategy and action plan for Turkey” are presented in the context of national science-technology policies.
Information management development and application model in the context of science and technology policies, which is one of the original outputs of the thesis, is a mixed model based on theory and applications developed in the light of science-technology policy inputs, outputs and performance indicators; information management scope; environmental factors affecting information management; information policy development models; strategy development models and findings obtained from this study.
A prototype information management strategy and action plan proposal for Turkey is the other output of the thesis. The proposed prototype information management strategy and action plan were developed according to the deficiencies and basic requirements identified in the field of information management after the analysis of the national science and technology policy documents within the scope of the thesis study.
Ekici, S. (2021). Ulusal bilim ve teknoloji politikalarında bilgi yönetimine yaklaşım: Türkiye için bir strateji ve eylem planı model önerisi (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.Aşağıdaki lisans dosyası bu öğe ile ilişkilidir:
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