27 Mayıs 1960 Müdahalesi ve Askeri Rejim: İhtilalci Subaylar Arasında Yaşanan İktidar Mücadeleleri, Fraksiyonlar ve Çatışmalar (27 Mayıs 1960- 25 Ekim 1961)
The studies on the impact of military interventions generally on the army and specifically on the officer class have largely been neglected. The thesis tries to examine the deteriorating structural features of the army by putting in the center the officer figure which constitutes the subject of the Turkish Armed Forces in the process of 27th May. It focuses on the power struggles among revolutionary officers in "illegal" organizations such as underground juntas and "legal" organizations such as the National Unity Committee emerging within the army during this period,
The thesis claims that the effective obedience mechanism and the monotype officer typology created by the long, strict, disciplined military training system was broke down in parallel with 27th May Coup. After all, this new officer figure will profoundly affect Turkish military-political life for ten years.
The study aims an analysis to the mental and emotional domains of the military officers in the barracks, to the political / ideological tendencies in schisms from the processes of dissolution and formation of the schisms for a comprehensive analysis of the disintegrations within the army.