Body and melancholy… Having been struggling for centuries, this two terms gained completely different meaning. Melancholy, associated with antique protagonists, is known to be genius level concept according to Aristoteles’ definings. During medieval times,however,acedia had been considered one of the seven deadly sins and for that reason people with melancholy were exposed torture because they were accused of being sluggish, sinner and maniac. In modern times , they did not face this kind of punishment but they were condemned to live as an outsider isolated from society. Just like melancholy , body was also pushed into the background because it was considered as a cage imprisoning the spirit and it was exposed to various torments. Along with Renaissance, body and nudity had been elevated then they became the subject of art. During Renaissance period perfection was the most wanted and bodies with golden ratio were portrayed. Rapidly changing social order and wars affected artists when it comes to modern times. Therefore, they rejected this ideal ratio by giving ear to their own screams in a self-conscious manner. In the third part of the study, the pictures performed simultaneously with the study were examined. Wood printing technique was used during the creation of the pictures. Some of the works have been prepared with reference to the artists who take the concept of melancholy as their subject.
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